Chapter five

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Luke stood up, wiping sand from his jeans. I followed his actions with an confused expression on my face.

"how long have we been here for already?" I asked with my eyebrows scrunched.

"I don't know, about three hours I guess." he paused for a moment before finishing his sentence. "You weren't conscious for most of it though."

I nodded. "Have you explored the island yet?" I asked curiously.

Luke reached out his hand for me to take it to pull me up. I took his hand in mine and stood up.
After I was balanced on my feet I let go of his hand.

"No not yet, I was waiting for you to wake up, I couldn't just leave you here alone." he said.

My gaze went towards my surroundings. We are standing on a beach right now. There are a lot of tree's around it. The temperature was hot and sticky which made my hair a bit frizzy. Not that I mind because who is here to see it. I've never been the kind of girl who spends a lot of time on their make-up and clothes. I just go with whatever looks presentable.

Then my eyes went back to Luke, who was just standing there. I don't want to be here. I want to be with my family. I want to have a cuddly movie night with them. I want to do all the things I didn't appreciate before the accident.

I let out a sigh. I know i'm going to be stuck here for a while, so I have to at least try and make the best out of it.

"Let's go look for some food for tonight." I said as I began to walk.

I heard footsteps, telling me that Luke was following me. We walked towards the woods where probably the most food will be found.

When we got there I stopped my tracks. I knew Luke was seeing exactly what I saw.
We were surrouded by tons of beautiful things. The most vibrant colors expressed themselves in flowers. Some plants I had never seen before. It was absolutely gorgeous.

"Wow." I was speechless. After five more minutes of staring at the nature we decided to go back to looking for food.

"Over here!" Luke yelled. Quickly I started to walk towards him. When I got there, Luke was standing under a mango tree.

"How were you planning to get them? The tree is fucking enormous." I sighed in frustration.

Luke let out a laugh. I looked at him confused as hell. He went to the ground and grabbed a stick, motioning me to get on his shoulders.

"no no no, i'm not doing that." I couldn't even finish my sentence before Luke talked again. "Come on, it's either this or nothing to eat." he grinned.

"Fine." I huffed, grabbing the stick and sitting on his shoulders. When he got up I grabbed his head to keep my balance.

Since Luke is about 600 feet long it was easy to reach the mango's.

I began to hit them with the stick. Ofcourse I was hoping for them to fall to the ground immediately, they didn't. Instead it took me twenty minutes to get two of them down. Those twenty minutes were filled with me violently trying to hit the mango's and Luke laughing at my failed attempts to do so.

Two would be enough right? "Ok chap, we're done you can put me down now." I looked down at luke's head.

"What is the magic word, Ava?" he laughed, still walking around with me on his neck.

"For Pete's sake Luke, I am not going to say please." I whined.

"Have fun up there then."

After a while I gave up. "Luke can you put me down, please?" I asked innocently.

He set me down back on the ground and picked up the two mango's.

"Thank you." I couldn't help myself from letting out a giggle. Luke turned his head to me.

"What?" I asked.

"That's the first time I heared you laugh." he asnwered. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Go write it in your diary." I laughed.

"Hey!" he yelled clearly offended. He laughed and hit me softly in my arm.

"You're not cool enough to be in my diary." he joked.

After that little moment we walked back in silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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