Ch 4: Revelations

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This breeze feels so nice. I've found another cliff, and it has a perfect view of the skyline, for miles and miles on both sides. Behind me are those beautiful willow trees with pink blossoms again. I don't quite remember how I got here, but I'm mesmerized by the rocky shoreline below me.

I wiggle my toes, fleshed with the edge. Another warm breeze blows my hair off of my face, and I close my eyes, enjoying the sensation. It's so peaceful, and beautiful. A perfect time to die. I feel so compelled to step forward. And my mind is in too much of a daze to protest. I've been wanting this for a very long time now.

My mind is unnaturally empty, at peace. This is too strange. But I won't wonder too much into it. I'm taking advantage of this peaceful moment, and undying urge to step forward. So I do.

I close my eyes, took a deep breath, and jumped. I feel the wind rushing past my face, through my hair. The rush is exhilarating! The wind sounding in my ears is loud and compressing.

Finally I come to an abrupt stop. Oddly, there's no pain. Just still. My head is fuzzy and dizzy. I lay there for a minute, I realize my body is twisted, my legs falling one way, my torso facing the other. And there's water gently running along my face, arms, and feet. I twitch my fingers, then slowly start to move around the rest of my limbs. My back is bent on a big rock. And I open my eyes to see a bright blue sky, next to a rocky, jagged cliff. I still feel no pain or stiffness. The breeze hits my face, and it feels... Nothing. I can't describe it. I turn my head and look at the horizon. There's no sun. Just the vortex of light I've seen once before, right above me. This sight, I had described it as beautiful. But now... I feel nothing. No spark of joy or admiration. I feel half the person I was before. All of my memories seem so fuzzy, like they're fading.

"Dahvie?" I hear a voice behind me. A voice that should have sent my whole body tingling with joy. But I feel nothing. I turn around, and there in front of me is... What's his name? I can't remember, but I know I should. He's tall and shirtless, covered with tattoos... "Dahvie, do you know who I am?" He says, with tears in his eyes. His voice is weak and shaking. Then I feel something... Pain, like a silver knife sent straight through my heart. Pain and sorrow. "Dahvie, please..." He says with another tear. "You don't remember?" His face twists more in anguish, his mouth forming a frown. I should feel sympathetic, or guilt for something I'd done. But all I feel is sorrow, the hallow, empty feeling in my heart. Then I realize what's happened. I'm feeling his pain. He hitches his breath the same time I hitch mine. And I realize tears are falling from my face, just like his. What's his name! "Dahvie, no," he cried, and he covered his mouth with his hands. The pain didn't let up. It only intensified as the person cried harder. I stood there, staring at his pained face, crying, as he stared at me, crying. I was mirroring his pain, and feeling every ounce of it.

I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders, and the second they touched me, the scene around me changed. I was sitting, cross-legged under a pink willow. And my heart started racing in my chest.

What the fuck? I forget about him! How could I forget about Jayy! I felt his pain, it was so intense, maybe even worse then the pain I felt the day I lost him. I knew his thoughts, he knew that he had lost me forever.

"No," I mumbled, and tears were falling heavily, blurring my vision. I can't believe I forgot him, I had no memory of us. I had no feelings, but the ones mimicking Jayy's.

I almost forgot about the hands on my shoulders, until they tightened. I felt someone leaning in to whisper in my ear. "Is that what you want, Dahvie?" I spun around as best I could, and it was Jayy, staring at me with a confused and concerned look. I threw my arms around him. "Jayy! No, I... I'm sorry. No, I can't forget you!" He held me tight in his arms.

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