Ch 12: Resolve

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sexual content! You have been warned, enjoy!


Fucking shit. I just can't stay asleep. I roll over onto my back, keeping my eyes closed. I can hear Jayy's breathe beside me, but he may not be completely asleep either. I won't wake him up if he is. I try to fluff the pillow more, and rest my head back down. After a few seconds, I feel someone's fingertips gently run along my hairline, to my temple, past my ear, and down my jawline. The touch was so warm and gentile, I guess Jayy isn't sleeping either. Without opening my eyes, I smile and whisper, "Are you awake little devil?"

I sense someone leaning by my left ear, but Jayy is sleeping to my right... "Waiting for you to come out, Dahviebird." I gasp and flail my limbs trying to sit up. I open my eyes to see Mercy, hovering over me. But as soon as her smile widens, I blink and she's gone. I rub my eyes and look around the room. What the fuck?

"Dahvie? What's wrong?" Jayy had sat up and was rubbing my shoulders. I just kept looking around the room, that was weird... "Dahvie? Hey," his grip on my shoulder was tighter, his voice sounded so sleepy.

"Uhm... Um..." God, I'm too tired for this. The first time I really try to sleep in days, and this happens. "Just, thought I saw something"

"Saw what?" Jayy was awake now, his eyes were worried, and I suddenly feel very bad for waking him up. There were purple rings around his beautiful gold eyes.

"Nothing, just a dream. It's ok." I put my hand on his face, "You look so tired Jayybear, go back to sleep."

He sighed heavily, and laid back down, "I was never really sleeping. How can I? Almost half of our friends were ready to tear us apart, over this bitch. She's poisoning us. What can we do?"

I rested on my elbow to look down at him. "Right now, we try to sleep," I touched my fingertip to his nose, "So we can think more calmly about it tomorrow. Mercy is being watched, they're keeping her in Angela's place, and she's occupied with Andy." I tried to convince myself as well. She couldn't be here, physically.

Jayy closed his eyes and put his hand behind his head. "I can't believe he punched me. Our Andy... Everyone turned so defensive, just a few days ago, they would have followed us everywhere, trusted us with our lives..."

I started gently brushing my fingertips in swirls around his chest. "We'll get them back. We'll find a way. "It's not their fault." I suddenly felt very afraid. This demon girl is trying to kill me. And our friends. She's powerful enough to paralyze me, control me... Could she possess me? I flashed back to when Jayy and Sally were fighting possession by Garrett... Then I was reminded, Garrett is out there somewhere, too. We'd been so focused on the murders, I can't believe I'd forgotten. And Sally, somehow I have a feeling Sally is in trouble. Sally wasn't with Drew when Jayy saw him on the other side, and Sally's form was used to trick Drew...

"Dahvie?" Jayy's voice pulled me out of my head.


Jayy held my hand that had been stroking his chest. "Your hand stopped. What's wrong?" When I didn't answer right away, he sat up to look straight at me. "Come on, Dahvs. There's no way I can sleep now." He stroked my arm. "Talk to me, Dahvie, please?"

I looked down, "She controlled me... What if she can possess me, like how Garrett possessed you? That was scary... Then I remembered, Garrett is out in the world again, and I'm worried about Sally not being with Drew..." I trailed off, my mind started racing.

Jayy lifted my chin up with his curled finger, and lightly kissed my lips. "Well, here's what I say. We have enough proof that it's her. The next move she makes, we take the opportunity. Kill her immediately. When she's dead, her hold on everyone should be lifted, they'll come to their senses."

"It sounds easier than it is... But I agree. She's too deadly."

"I'll tell the others in the morning, the next chance we get, no matter what it takes, We'll take her down." My fear started to lift. Jayy squeezed my hand, "After everything we've been through, this dumb bitch is not going to tear our family apart."

"You're right." I managed to crack a smile. "God, I love you, Jayy." I kissed his full lips, and ran my fingers through his hair. "Remember the day we finally met?" I can't help but smile now.

"Of course," Jayy replied, and smiled just as big.

"You fell from the tree, and I thought, that would have been so cruel to take you from me, after waiting almost a decade to meet you." I kissed him, and he instantly responded to my touch, softened by the memories.

"Of course," he said, "Then I thought I killed you, when I frenzied on you." He laid me back down on the bed, and hovered over me.

"Then my friends almost killed you," I said. I put my hand on his temple that was once bruised purple from Adrian's fist.

Jayy laughed, "Adrian's fucking strong, he has one hell of a bite."

"I don't ever want to see you hurt again." I remembered seeing Jayy hurt, so many times. When Adrian hit him, when James strangled him right after, when the demons burned him in the fire, when they, killed him... Suddenly, I grabbed his face and pulled him down, so I can kiss him, deeply. Jayy rested his body on mine, and I felt him smile against my mouth. I pulled him back, "You died, and came back... No one will ever take you away from me again, I'll gladly walk through hell and back, or take a thousand bullets, whatever it takes."

"I promise, Dahvie, I'll never leave your side again. You're stuck with me."

"Good, I'm holding you to that," I replied.

Jayy smiled, and kissed me again. He started moving his hips, making sure to tease me extra softly. Jayy moved one hand behind my head, and ran the other down my side. "Well, since neither of us can sleep, why don't we waste some energy?" He kissed me harder, making sure to give me a head-spinning taste of his tongue. "When was the last time I made love to my angel?"

"The day you first came back. And I said 'You're stuck with me'." I smirked at him.

"Way too long..." he kissed me again, with so much fire, I feel like my body is vibrating. He whispers roughly, We have to make up for lost time." He kisses my neck, down my stomach, and around my lower abs. He slips his fingertips under my boxers and teases me, and my legs start to twitch with anticipation. He pulls down my boxers painfully slow, and I whine, "Jayy?" He giggles, and wraps his hands around me, stroking up and down. I arch my back, and breath in deeply, savoring the pleasure. He starts licking my tip, and I feel myself already getting close; my whole body tenses. As soon as he takes me fully into his mouth, I can't hold it back, and my whole body convolses into pleasure, my muscles contract and relax, contract and relax, until he sucks me dry.

I lay there panting, "I'm sorry Jayy.. God, it's been too long..."

Jayy laughs, "Oh, we're not done yet. We have a lot more energy to use up." He continues teasing me until I get excited again, then I playfully pull him up by the hair and push him down next to me.

I hover over him on my hands and knees, and lean in to his ear, letting my breath touch his neck. "Let's see how long you last, little devil." I whisper, and I kiss behind his ear while sliding my hand under his silky boxers. I feel him arch his back like a wave, lifting his chest, then his pelvis. I bite down on his neck, and he slides his hands down my chest and moans. I slide my hand up and down his length, until I feel his muscles tense up and his breathing quicken. He arches his back once more, and I slide down and take him into my mouth, making him cum. He puts his hands on my shoulders and grips them hard as he finishes. I keep going, and his body continues to contract in my hands. Finally, he starts to relax. "You're not getting off so easy, I'm not done yet," I taunt him.

"Bring it on little birdie, I can do this all night," He smirks at me, and props me on my hands and knees. We spend all night like this, trying to tease the other, seeing who can make the other finish faster, until finally laying down for an overdue night's sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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