Ch 6: The Crossroads

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"No! Dahvie!" I can't believe this... I move as fast as I can, carefully and quickly as possible pulling the arrow out of his back. His eyes are wide, staring right through me, staring at nothing, empty. I press my hand to his wound as tight as I can, stifling the blood flow, as I squeeze him to me. My other hand is on his head, pressing the side of his to mine. "Dahvie don't leave me!" I say into his ear, "HEAL!"

This wasn't suppose to happen. There's no way I was offered a second life, only to have my one reason for living ripped away from me in the first minute. Why is this happening? I refuse to let him go.

I press his wound as tight as I can, and try to find any ounce of heaven's light left in me, so I can transfer it to him. I whisper in his ear, "Dahvie, don't leave! Heal! I need you Dahvie!" I concentrate, trying to radiate all of my new healing energy into his wound, as I whisper in his ear. "I'm here, it's not a dream, I'm here for you! You can't leave me! Heal!" I'm hoping I have enough power in me to heal him. I came from heaven less than a minute ago. There is some reason to this, I can feel it. But I focus all of my energy on healing him. I rock him back and forth, praying to God to help me keep Dahvie here, trying to ignore the hot blood of my angel soaking my arm.


I'm standing in that meadow again, with the pink-blossomed willow trees, and the beam of light above me. I look around, and I'm alone. Until I turn around and see a dark angel. His black eyes staring at me, and I almost cringe at the pain I see in them. He's pale with black hair, and his black wings are flapping impatiently. Sally appears next to him. "Hi Dahvie," she says quietly.

"Sally!" I lunge forward and hug her. But as I pull back, I can't help my question, "Where's Jayy?"

"He's not here, Dahv. He can't come anymore." The memories come flooding back. The last thing I remember is kissing Jayy. Finally! After agonizing months of missing him terribly, I had him in my arms! Then something happened, I was stabbed? "You have a choice now, Dahvie." The dark angel next to her holds his hand out to me. I take a step closer to him, and notice his hand is shaking. His eyes are practically begging me to take his hand and end his pain. But I paused when I realized, I'd would be stopping my pain, stopping my life.

"Where's Jayy?" I ask, afraid now.

"Where you left him, Dahvie." I still feel so disoriented. I'm still not sure what's real and what's not, which dimension is which. The dark angel still holds out his shaking hand, and I just stare at it. "If you go with him, you can't see Jayy for a while. But it'll feel like only a couple months til he's here with you again." A couple months, that doesn't seem like long.

I'm at a crossroads. A few days ago, I would do anything for this opportunity, so I could end my life, end my misery. It's so beautiful here, and I know just beyond that light above us, is a place made of only happiness and love. I look into the light, and instantly my heart is filled with warmth and comfort. I want to see what's behind that light. I've been practically begging for this opportunity since the day I lost Jayy.

I look back at the dark angel. Tears are silently falling down his face. Why is he crying? From the pain? I start to reach my own hand out to his, still extended towards me. I'm dying to know what's behind the light, and I want to end his suffering. Just before my fingertips touch his, I hear a voice, like a whisper at first. "Dahvie..." I freeze, and I hear the dark angel sigh sharply. Then the voice comes in loud and clear, circling around is in the meadow. "Dahvie! Don't leave me! Stay! Please!"

"Jayy!" I call out to the voice. I step away from the dark angel. How could I? I was so enticed by the light, I was willing to leave Jayy all alone in that dark, cruel world. Even if it would feel like days to me, I will not leave him alone for a lifetime of God knows how many heartbreaking years.

I turn to Sally, "I want to stay with Jayy! I don't wanna see the Light yet!" I almost yell in her face. The dark angel finally lowers his hand, and Sally smiles. I still hear Jayy's pleas, "Dahvie, I love you." Then the meadow fades to black.


"Come on, Dahvie, please! Don't leave me! Stay! Please!" I keep whispering in his ear, for what feels like several minutes, but it's probably been less than one. I refuse to let the tears fall. Dahvie is coming back. He's NOT leaving me.

"Dahvie, I love you." I stroke his head, and try to press his wound even harder with the other, and I notice that the blood flow is slowing. At first, I think he's bled out. I lower his head to my chest so I can look at him. We're both completely soaked with his dark red blood. I can't believe his body held this much... "No!" I yell out, as I lower him to the ground and look at his face. I put my hands on his strong jaw. "Dahvie!" I yell at him. I'm afraid now, I've lost him...

His mouth is slightly parted. But as I yell his name, I swear I see his bottom lip twitch downward. My face lit up, and I gasped in joy. He's alive! I stroke his temples, "Dahvie..." As if I'm waking him from a quiet sleep. Before his eyes open, his lips move slightly again, and I hear him whisper, "Jayy..."

"Yes! I'm here! Dahvie, open your eyes..." I gently touch the corner of his eyes. I just want him awake and healed. I missed him so much! Even though it felt like I was gone for only a few days. Slowly, his eyes open, and the corners of his mouth turn up in a smile as he looks at me. I can't help myself, I lean down and kiss him.

I press my lips against his, and it's the greatest feeling in the world. I imagine pumping my healing energy into him again. Healing every part of him that could be wounded, and producing more blood in his body. After a few seconds, he kisses back, ever so slightly. I continue enjoying his lips, and gradually I feel his strength coming back. He kisses me back harder, smiling slightly.

I know he's fully healed when he starts to lift himself up, without breaking my kiss. He sits up and puts his hand on my head. He stroked my hair and stops at my neck, and I hold his hand there. I break the kiss only to kiss his hand. Then I look at him again and I can't help my giant smile.

But before I can say anything, I'm tackled to the ground in a hug. "I'm sorry, but I can't help it! Jayy I missed you! You're back!"

"Jeffree?" I wrap my arms around him, he's crying into my shoulder. I finally became aware of all of my friends, staring at us. Mostly me. They must have been staring, calling out to me when I was healing Dahvie, but I tuned them all out. Dahvie was my focus. Now that he's okay, everyone is practically lining up to tackle me in huge hugs. I can't help but laugh, even though Jeffree is crying.

I guess no one can wait anymore to hug me, because somebody lifts me up to a siting position with Jeffree still on me, and hugs me tight from behind. I think it's Brandy. Everyone else piled onto us, encasing me in a cross between a group hug and a dog pile. I can't help but laugh. My heart is so warm right now, I never realized how much I'm needed here. I never could have imagined that I would be missed this much. How could I? It feels like I've been away for days, I couldn't wait for a chance to come back here...

I struggle to lift my head away from the dog pile, so I can find Dahvie's face. I love everyone dearly, but I just want to see his face. I find him, he's laughing at us. His cheekbones are lifted up, squinting his eyes slightly, and his full, dark lips reveal his pearly white teeth. This smile I see from him when he's happiest. He's bent over, laughing so hard. I relax into the pile, everyone is holding me up, saying "I missed you!" "Jayy you're back!" "Oh my God!" "This is amazing!" I decide to just go limp until they get it out of their system. I can't stop laughing, though. I feel like I'm just radiating joy, and I'm loving every second.

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