Chapter 20-Saying Goodbye... And Hello...

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A/N Warning! Cheesy Romance Scene! I know this is meant to be an action novel and I promise you guys it's coming up but for now..... Cheesy Romance. Sorry....

*Sasha's POV*

No No No No No No.....

Was all that was running through my head.

He can't die, he can't.

No No No No No No.....

When we made it to the dome I sprinted out of the van telling Ivy to call Dani to help her with the currently unconscious boys. She pulled out her phone and I ran to meet Marko.

"MARKO!?" I yelled from the top of the opening in the ground. It would be a lot easier if he just flew me down so I called him hoping that he would. He came up without a word and grabbed me bridal style flying back down the pit. Neither of us said anything as I ran furiously to the roots of the tree and put my hand against one of the bigger ones. Over the past couple days the roots have been getting dimmer and moving to form what looked like a doorway. The only problem with this doorway was that it was filled with dirt. If you opened the door you see nothing but earth.

Until now

I opened the door and saw the lifeless 16 year old body of Anthony.

He looked good for someone who has been dead for however many years. His bright curly red hair was now a little past ear length and covering his forehead his kinda-tan skin was covered in dirt like the rest of his clothes. He still had freckles all over his face and arms, but they were barley visible because of all the dirt. His eyes were closed but I remember his enchanting amber eye's perfectly.

Oh my god I missed him so much.

I wanted to pull him out of the dirt and hug him right now. But I knew how the system worked. One goes in one goes out. Or the whole tree, the dome, anything that had anything to do with nature would die... no I couldn't not yet. We had to save him first and I knew exactly how.

"Sasha" Marko said from behind me. I heard him take a few steps closer to me and I felt his hand grab onto mine."We have to save him"

"I know" I respond quietly

"How? You know the rules. One in, one out. Last time the change almost killed us. We can't risk that again"

"I know Marko" I turned to look at him tears forming in my eyes knowing what I had to do to save Anthony, and Marko, and everyone else. Marko looked at me as if reading my thoughts. His eyes went wide with realization.

"No Sasha! You can't! I almost lost my sister to this damn tree! I lost my best-friend to this tree I am not losing you!"

It was true.

The tree was magical, but all magic... comes with a price. This tree drives a hard bargain. The tree is powerful enough to protect everything in nature and without the help of the tree every living creature, every living thing will no longer have the protection of the tree making them much more vulnerable. The slightest gust of wind might cause a full grown buck to shrivel into ashes. Simply breathing might kill something smaller like a rabbit or a fox. The price for the tree is a life line. But not just any life line. It has to be the life of a human. The tree feeds on the soul of the chosen one, and depending the person decides how long the soul will last and how strong it will be. If you sacrifice yourself to the tree, you age normally, and when you die, the tree dies.

When the chosen one dies then another person is selected. Many years ago Marko's older sister was chosen to save the tree but Anthony saved her. She was coming to pick Marko up from hanging out one day and she managed to find her way into the basement where Anthony had conveniently been hiding, the tree possessed her and as she was about to step into the tree Anthony pushed her out of the way and went in for her. Not wanting Marko to lose his older sister.

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