Chapter 10-Let's be Heros... After a Drink...

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*Oliver's POV*

"Dani! Wake up!" I yelled at the unconsciousness body in my arms.

"Oliver!" Sasha said grabbing my arm "that's not going to wake her, she used to much of her power at once. If we bring her inside we can help her come on Oliver"

I simply nodded my head as I picked up Dani and followed everyone inside.

"Damn" Marko mumbled "2 people unconscious in the past, hour. Notice they were both girls too?" Marko said trying to lighten the mood, however his version of funny and ours was completely different. I opened my mouth to comment but Jake beat me to it.

"Do you wanna be the first guy unconsciousness?"

Marko shrugged "maybe later"

"What is wrong with this guy?" Ivy whispered to Jake.

"I know, why does Sasha even hang out with him?" Jake muttered back.

"He can't be all bad" I said slowing down and interrupting

"Apparently he is, someone told me that he was caught beating some kid. The teacher saw and gave him like 3 pink slips for it" Ivy informed

"6 actually" a new voice overheard. Marko ran over to us with a look of both sadness and seriousness on his face. "And that's not what happened. I defended the kid. It was my friends who were beating him up and I stopped them. My friends saw the teacher before I did and ran making it look like I was the one beating him up"  Ivy, Jake and I looked at him in shock." Next time you spread gossip make sure it's real" He once again zipped away with such speed it was unnoticeable. The rest of the walk to the house was silent.

"Put her on the bed" Ivy ordered

"Yes ma'am" I joked

"You can try being funny later Oliver. Not while your carrying an unconscious body" Jake complained

"What do you mean try being funny?" I questioned

"He means you couldn't make a hyena laugh, now will you please knock it off and put her down." Ivy complained. She started laughing to herself, as I put Dani onto the toddler sized bed. I shot her a look as Jake started laughing to.

"Wow some friends I have" I said. Sasha couldn't help but snicker to. Even Marko cracked a smile."I'm going to leave now"

"No Oliver don't. I'm sorry." Ivy apologized

"No I'm sorry I'm such a stick in the mud." I walked to the door post and took a final look at the people who were calming down.

"Call me when Dani wakes up" I walked out and decided to take this opportunity to look around. The time had passed since we first got in here. But that's not a surprise. It was now 5:00pm and dark outside because of the time of year. That for whatever reason didn't make a difference in the dome- oasis place-I don't know what to call it. The tree had lights coming off it and it seemed to be highlighting what looked like a door. I waved it off not wanting to intrude on Marko and Sasha's secret hideout. Those two should really get together. They would make a cute couple.

Getting bored of simply looking at grass and magical trees I decided to go for a walk around the city. I exited the dome and started walking towards the town I was so used to.


Quickly into my walk I decided to go to one of my favourite places in the whole world. My uncle's bar. He had owned this place since I was little and it had always been like my own little home away from home. Plus I was family making everything free to me. There were three floors to the building. The top floor was a hotel with about 12 bedrooms in case you couldn't drive home and you needed a place to stay.... but that is not what they are typically used for. The main floor is the club with an amazing stereo system and the bar/restaurant and the basement is not for public and is used simply for storage. Call me strange but this was still one of the coolest places I knew, my own kingdom.

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