Chapter 11-Banishment

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I felt my self surging with power. I broke out of the restraints and I saw that I was in a white room. I pushed my hand outward and I destroyed everything in the room. I punched the door until I knocked it off of its hinges. I walked down the hallway until I came to another door which I proceeded to open up only to find that we were inside of a ship orbiting a star. I walked toward what looked like a ship bay. I went toward a ship and I opened the hatch, jumping in then turning the ship on. I started to pilot the ship turning on hover mode and proceeded to open the bay door into orbit. I then proceeded to pilot the ship out and I made my way near the nearest planet. The ship then came under attack and the ship was having a hard time staying steady as missiles were being fired. I flew the ship behind some asteroids. The missiles came and hit the ship and its shield was disabled. The ship then started to tear apart. I jumped onto the asteroid and I pushed my hand outward and crushed the missiles. The pursuing ships came to a halt and just stood stationary. I began to hold my hand up and I thrust the asteroids toward the ships. The ships began to dodge them and I made my way toward Mars. I soon reached its atmosphere and I was plummeting into the ground until I hit what looked like a Cabal ship. I woke up to the Cabal staring at me. I jumped up and I pushed them back. A Cabal got close and I held him up by his throat, I slowly enveloped him in Darkness. I felt a pain in my head. I began screaming and it echoed across the valley. I then let out a mist of Darkness that enveloped the valley. I began waving away the mist and I saw that the mist had struck a Guardian. I walked over toward him and I picked up his body and I placed it on the Cabal's body's and I summoned fire and burned the body's. I began walking toward a huge Vex gate. The Gate Lord stood still trying to figure out whether or not to attack. I reached out and I crushed his body in an instant. I then saw that an old ship was still there. I hovered it above and scavenged for the parts. I finally got the parts and I connected all of the parts. I jumped in and I set coordinates for Earth. As I got close to Earth I felt the Light as I approached the Tower had defenses up, so I decided to land and sneak in. I jumped out and cloaked myself with Darkness. I was nearly invisible. I walked up toward the Tower. I jumped up on the roof and I crouched down and I started to listen. The Speaker was speaking "Yes Guardians as you've might have already guessed we've lost another Guardian. But, not to death but, to the Darkness. He was stationed on a ship so we could examine him. He woke up and destroyed the room stealing a ship and killing one of our own! He must be stopped at all costs but, remember he was apart of the Veterans so be very cautious." And then Ikora came out and started to say "The Guardian we lost to the Darkness is a Warlock and his name is Shadow. I must caution you he was an excelling student who has the potential to be the greatest threat to the Tower." I lift the cloak off of me and I jumped down the entire crowd of Guardians were surprised to see me. I waved my hands freezing everyone in place. "Now first off Speaker, Osiris is dead. Second I didn't mean to kill that Guardian. Third I won't be a threat to the Tower if people stay out of my way." I then released everyone. The Speaker motioned for the Guardians to stay instead of pursuing me. "Wise decision." I said. But, then I felt the presence of Light nearby. I looked toward a figure floating above me. They began to fall and they plummeted into the ground. I had jumped away but, all the Guardians had started to run toward me. I pushed my hand outward and released air blowing everyone away, except the Vanguard and Lord Shaxx who was waiting. They started to come after me. I punched Zavala in the neck rendering him unconscious. I then grabbed Lord Shaxx with a black tendril of Darkness and threw him over the Towers edge. Cayde then threw his knife at me and I blocked it. He jumped on me but, I knocked him off and I punched him the face. Ikora then struck me with the Void restraining me. I broke out and I swarmed the air with Dark particles. They got near Ikora and began blowing up. Ikora was then rendered unconscious. "You should've held back old man. I'm stronger than ever and you made me your enemy!" I yelled at the Speaker. I then proceeded to jump off the Tower and flew away in my ship.

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