Chapter eleven

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Searing pain shot up my leg from my ankle and knew it must be sprained. I tried to stand up but the pain only got worse and I fell back down. I could hear voices from my open window and I knew I had to just endure the pain and just run for it. I could get help when I get away.

I ran as fast as I could, stumbling over the roots that stuck out of the ground of the forest. All I could hear was my own feetsteps and my heavy breathing. It wouldn't take them long to figure out I was gone. I had to get as far away as I could as fast as I could.

What was I thinking??? Why was I out here, where was I going? I didnt have food or water and I didnt know where the closest town was. These thoughts swarmed my mind and suddenly I was lying on my stomach on the ground, hands braced in front of me to stop my fall.

I looked at the blood rising on my palms as tears filled my eyes. I wanted to be home. For what felt like the hundredth time since I'd been taken by the bands, I cried.

I didnt care anymore. I couldn't stand running any further. NY ankle was throbbing with every step and I hoped that I could just die here on the ground. They will probably find me soon and bring me back to the house. At least then I wouldn't be so cold and maybe they'd be kind enough to give me some water and some food. 

Then I remembered his voice on the phone. I'd called Damon out of no where, sounding all panicked and insane. He must be worried sick about me.

I clenched my fists on the ground, feeling the dirt gather in my palms and under my nails. I wasn't giving up.

I pushed myself to my feet, wiping the tears from my face with the back of my hand. I'd managed to escape and make it this far, if not for myself then I had to keep going for Damon. There were people home, counting on me to return. I can't let them down. I can't let myself down. Even if I have to walk all day and night I couldn't give up because they haven't given up on me.

I took a step forward, taking a deep breath. Then I took another step. And another until I broke into a run. My feet hurt and I was tired but that didnt matter anymore. I'd found new strength.

Soon the forest met up with a road. It was dark and empty but unmistakably a road, if I followed it long enough I'd make it to civilization.

Just as the sun was staring to rise I saw a pair of headlights coming at me from a distance. Was I finally saved?

The car slowed down beside me and I squinted, trying to make out the driver.

It was Pete. Of course.

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