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"What on earth do you mean by that!"
"Nothing just forget it"
"No! No! You can't just say something like that and then tell me to forget it! If your gonna kidnap me, torture me, hold me here against my will, then I need some more explanations! Why?! Why did you kidnap me in the first place? Why me?! You never gave me any explanation!!" I shouted, fed up with everything.

"SHUT UP! I SAID SHUT UP!" He screamed with so much power that his face turned red. I squealed in surprise then kept quiet the rest of the ride


"Ouch" I yelled and he dragged me into my room by my arm. He practically kicked the dore down then threw me onto the floor. Searing pain shot up my leg from my ankle and tears streamed down my face. I tried my best to hold them back as not to give him the satisfaction. He stood in the doorframe looking down at me with and expression I couldn't make out.

Just then frank slid in beside Pete and smirked at me. "Are we going to have to teach her another lesson?" He taunted.
"Oh please no" I thought and looked pleadingly up at Pete who stayed silent
I looked back over at frank who looks far to excited.

"Shut up frank"
"Not now. Go away"

Frank rolled his eyes and walked off like he never even cared. I opened my mouth to thank him but he cut me off by slamming the door shut.

What on earth is going on with that man? First he says he loves me, then he treats me like crap, then he protects me from Frank, but the he treats me like crap again. At least I know one thing for sure: he's crazy and I want nothing to do with him. But Brendon.. He's been so kind.. But he did kidnap me.. I don't even know any more.

I lay back on the floor because my ankle hurts too much for me to move to my bed. Suddenly I get startled by a faint knock on the door.

"Go away" I sigh
Despite what I said, the door creaked open and Pete came in.
"I'm sorry" he said coming down to the floor to sit next to me
"Save it!" I snapped

He sighed. "I am sorry though. You just- you hurt me when you ran off like that."
"I- hurt you?!" I said in disbelief
"Yes. I love you Julia and running away like that doesn't make me feel good"
"No!" I snapped and he looked startled "no you can't say that. You don't 'love' me! If you did you would tell me what you were talking about"

There was a moment of silence before he spoke
"I can't do that"
"Then get out!"
"Get out!!"
"At least let me help your ankle"
"No! Get out! Your a creep I don't wanna see you!"

At that his eyes turned cold and he stood up and stormed off. But not before kicking my already injured ankle. I waited will the door slammed shut before I cried out in pain.


After a while of laying on the floor crying I once again heard a gentle knock on the door
"GO AWAY PETE!" I yelled
"Uh it's Brendon" as soon as I heard his voice my heart fluttered. But I didn't say anything
"Do you want me to go..?" He asked
"No" I responded quickly
"Can I come in?"
I paused
"" I don't know why I said that
"Umm" he was clearly confused
I paused another moment then spoke again

The door slowly creaked open and he looked confused to find me on the floor. "Why are you on the floor?" He asked as he bent down beside me.

"I hurt my ankle jumping out the window" I said and pointed to my leg. I looked out the window I jumped from to find they had been bolted shut... There goes that means of escape.

"Here let me help" he said, his kind voice filling me with hope. He reached over and Gently touched my ankle but stopped immediately when I winced. "I'll be right back" he said then took off. He came back quickly with an ice pack and some bandages. He bandaged up my wounds in silence while I contently watched him work. My eyes trailed from his hands up to the side of his face. This probably isn't the most appropriate time but like daaannnggg this boy is fiiinnneeee. Like that jawline could cut a man.

Brendon chuckled "like what you see?" He said not taking his gaze off my injured ankle. "I-uh" I have to say, he may be hot but he sure is arrogant.
"Remember" he chuckled again and looked up at me "that's what I said to you the first time I saw you. At the meet and greet"
"Oh yeah" I joined in the chuckling "that was so embarrassing"

"No" he smiled "it was cute. Truth is I liked what I saw too"
"What" I said taken- aback
By now he had completely stopped working on my leg and was looking deep in my eyes

"I thought you were attractive."
I didn't say anything
"still do"
Oh my
"And I know this whole kidnapping this is completely Inhuman but if it means anything at all, I didn't want to be a part of it" he said then he mumbled something else I couldn't quite make out "but In some incredibly wired way I'm glad we did... Not exactly like the whole kidnapping part... But I'm glad because I got to see you more.. And get to know you. And honestly..."

He leaned towards me and smiled while I sat there completely dumbfounded, forgetting all about the pain in my leg.

"Julia. I love you"

He gave me no time to react before he crashed his lips against mine. After a few seconds we pulled apart and he laughed at the dumb expression I had plastered on my face. He stood up and reached for my hand to help me up. "Let's go watch a movie or something. Ill help you downstairs" I accepted his offer and limped down the steps with my arm wrapped around Brendon Urie.

What even was today?

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