Chapter 1- The New Boy

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Chapter One

Isabella's POV

I wake up from a peaceful sleep, once again I had the dream. I don't know who the boy in my dream is but I shrug it off as I get ready for the day. "Mum" I call downstairs, "where's my uniform aye" I ask, half yelling down the stairs. " it's in the laundry room Izzy" she says, in her American accent. Yes my mum is not English. I was born here in the U.K. While my parents were from America, my father and my mum got divorced when I was younger. My father worked all the time so my mum left him. I slowly made my way downstairs. Noticing that I had left my uniform jacket on the railing I quickly grab it and walk to the laundry room. I search through the dryer and find my school uniform. I head upstairs to put my clothes on, but than I remembered I still had to pack my lunch. I went back into the kitchen and took out the jam, and bread. I made myself a jam sandwich for lunch, and I packed some tea I made before I started my sandwich. I put my lunch and thermos into my bag and ran upstairs to get a shower and get dressed.

*Skip Shower*

I plug my curling iron in and my blow dryer. I blow dry my hair, and than curl it. I put on a little makeup consisting of eyeshadow blush and lip gloss. I than put on my uniform. I walk down stairs, and grab my bag. I kiss my mum on her cheek on my way out. As I am walking to school I realize that I had left my phone in my bag. I swing my bag in front of me and search through the front of my bag searching for my phone. I end up finding my phone in the front pouch of my bag. "Shit" I said out loud. I had at least three missed phone calls from my best friend Megan. I phone her back to see what she wanted, on the second ring she answers. "Took you long enough" she says. "My phone was in my back pack meg" I tell her. "Oh right anyways, we got a new student at school today" she says. "Oh really and how do you know" I ask her, noticing that I was now at the school. And could see her walking towards me. "Well" she says hanging up the phone and hooks arms with me. "I found out from Christie of course" she says, and chuckles. "Oh right" I say. Christie is the biggest gossiper in our school. She loves gossip as a matter of fact she lives for it. When we get into school me and Megan head to the toilets. Megan does her usual. Checks her makeup, and pulls her skirt up. Her makeup consists of black eyeliner, mascara, blush, eyeshadow, foundation, and lipstick. We leave the toilets, and head straight towards our lockers. I grab my book for arithmetic and head straight to class, waving to Megan before I leave.

*Skip arithmetic*

After arithmetic was over I headed back to my locker to get my chemistry books. I notice a tall figure with curly hair, and tight skinny jeans next to my locker. This must be the new boy. I open my locker and start taking out my books for chemistry, when I Look over to my left to take in the rest of the curly haired boys outfit. He's wearing a white shirt, tight black skinny jeans, and boots. He has tattoos on his arms, and he has muscles. At least from what I can see, he takes very well care of himself. He notices me staring, and before I can look at my locker I notice his eyes. There a deep green. In my opinion he was the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen! "You got a staring problem" he asks me. "N-no" I stutter. "Well your kinda creeping me out, yeah" he says. "S-sorry" I say. "It's alright, you got chemistry next" he asks me, looking at my books. "Yeah, you" i ask him. "Uh huh, I have no idea where the class is though" he says. "Oh well I can show you" I say to him. "Alright cool, my names Harry by the way" he says. "I'm Isabella, or Izzy" I say to him. "It's very nice to meet you Izzy" he says.

When we get to the classroom, my heart beat gets faster. I noticed that the door was shut, which is odd, because the door is never shut, unless your late. Which means my little meeting in the hallway with Harry has made me late for the first time ever! When we open the door Mr. Tomlinson stops talking and stares at me and Harry. "Why are you late Ms. Jacobsen" Mr. Tomlinson asks. "We're late because, I had no idea where this class was" Harry interjects. "Ah yes, Mr. Styles" he says looking at Harry. "Welcome to chemistry, your partner for this term will be Isabella" he says, smiling. "And please don't make it a habit of being late to my class" he continues. "I won't sir" Harry says. I start going to my table, and I notice Harry follow me. I put my books on top of the desk and Harry does the same. I can tell this class will never be boring!

*Skip Chemistry*

Harry's POV

After chemistry was over I followed Izzy to her locker so that I could put my books back. I look at my schedule, and notice that I have lunch. "Where's the cafe" I ask Izzy. "Oh you have lunch next too" she asks me. And I politely nod. "I do too, I'll take you down in a few minutes ok" she says. I nod my head again. I find myself staring at her, the way she was me earlier today. She has long brown hair, and gorgeous brown eyes. Plus I noticed earlier that she barely wears any makeup and her skirt isn't hiked up way too high. Not like the other girls I noticed. While I was looking at her face I noticed something, we weren't leaving yet. Which means we were waiting for someone else. "Are we going to lunch" I ask her. "Yeah soon, I'm Just waiting for my friend Megan, she should be here shortly" she said. So we were waiting for someone. "Oh ok" I said. Right after I had said those words I heard a gasp from behind me. I turn around to see a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes coming towards us. I than took in her outfit. Short skirt, and way too much makeup. I really don't get why girls feel the need to degrade themselves. As the girl came closer I noticed Izzy's lips turn into a smile. Than I wished I had plugged my ears. "Izzy" the girl screeched. "Meg" izzy said in a monotone. "I want you to meet Harry, he's new here" she said pointing to me. "Hi" I say. "Charmed" she says, glaring at me. Why is she glaring at me, I didn't do anything to her. I went to open my mouth, but Izzy took my arm into hers, I swear I could feel sparks. I wonder if she could too. I kept my mouth shut the whole way to the cafe. I didn't want to say anything just in case Megan gave another look.

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