Chapter 7- You're in a gang???

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Isabella's POV

The next morning I woke up to find that Harry had left, and my window was wide open. "No way" I exclaimed. "It's just like in my dream" I whispered to myself. I couldn't believe that the boy in my dream could possibly be Harry. But than I remembered something. Last night his eyes were a darker green almost making them look black. The boy in my dream had the same exact eye color. "Holy shit" I said to myself. I had been dreaming about him this whole time, but why. I slowly got out of bed to shut my window, and when I looked down at the spot where Harry had been last night, I saw Liam staring back at me. "Ahhh" I screamed. What the fuck was he doing here. I closed the window and locked it so that Liam couldn't get in. I noticed that my phone was vibrating on my desk, I looked at the caller ID to see Harry's name.

Me: hey babe

Harry: what's wrong? Your voice is shaking

Me: nothing, Liam is at my house

Harry: WHAT? What the fuck is he doing there?

Me: I have no idea, babe I'm scared

Harry: Lock your bedroom door I'm on my way

Me: ok

I hang up the phone, and make my way over to my door and lock it. No sooner had I locked it I heard a knock on it. "Hey Izzy, there's a boy downstairs for you" came my mothers voice. "What's his name mum" I ask her. I hear her shuffle downstairs. She comes back up a few minutes. "Liam, he's here to take you to school" she says. "Tell him it's fine, I already have a ride" I said to her. "Ok hunnie, are you sure" she asks me. "Yeah I'm pretty sure" I said. "I'll tell him" she says. I breathe a sigh of relief, when I hear another knock on my door. This time it's louder. "Izzy, Harry told me to come get you" Liam's voice came. "No he didn't" I hiss. "Actually yes he did" he says, trying to twist the knob. "Why don't you unlock the door, and we will call him" Liam says. "No that won't be necessary" came Harry's voice from behind me. He unlocks the door and opens to reveal Liam. "Hello Harry" he says sneering. "Liam" Harry nods. What the fuck is going on?

I looked from Harry to Liam, and than back at Harry, whose eyes were now a perfect emerald green again. "What are you doing here Liam" Harry asks him. "I was going to ask Izzy here if she would like a ride to school" he says. "I'm fine actually, I already told you I have someone picking me up" I tell him. "Oh I already knew that, your mum told me" he says. "But what I want to know is who exactly is picking you up" he asks me. "That's really" "I am" Harry says now coming between me and Liam. "I thought so" he says sneering again. "You can leave anytime Liam" Harry says. "Oh I am, good bye Izzy, bye Harry" Liam says sauntering off. "What the fuck was that" I ask Harry after I hear Liam's car take off. "What" he asks me. "You know each other Harry" I scream at him. "Izzy, I'm not like him I" I cut him off. "I don't fucking care if your like him or not, you know what he's like. Which means" I said. "Which means what" he asks me. "Which means you're just like them" I snap. "No Izzy, no I'm not. I use to be, but you make me want to be a better person" he tells me. "Right I'm sure" I said. What the fuck have I gotten myself involved in. Harry is in a gang! And to make it worse he's in Liam's gang!

"I need to get dressed" I snapped at him. "I'll be downstairs" he said hanging his head. I just nodded. After he had left I plopped myself on my bed and felt the tears fall from my face. How could I love someone who is apart of something so cruel. I wonder if he's killed anyone. I shake the thought out of my head as I start pulling my pyjamas off. I look through my clothes and pick out a black lace top and some yoga pants. I go into the bathroom and start my shower. I wash my hair and the rest of my body. "You make me want to be a better person" his voice floods my head, repeating his words over and over in my head. Once again I'm in tears. "Why can't he be a normal boy" I question myself. I get out of the shower and put my shirt on, and than my yoga pants.

I make my way downstairs, I stop at the top when I hear Harry, my dad, and my mum talking. "So your in a gang" my father says. "Yes but I swear I'm not like Liam, Louis, Zayn, or Niall. I would never ever hurt Izzy, I-I love her" he says. My heart skips a beat at those three little words. I knew he loved me, but I didn't expect him to actually tell my parents. "If you love her Harry you need to stay away from her" my mums voice says. "But why? I can protect her" he says, his voice starting to grow louder. "We just need to keep Izzy safe" my father says. "You need to stay away from her Harry" my mums voice interjects. I skip the last two steps and run into the kitchen. "I'm not leaving Harry" I yell, grabbing his hand. "I love him too, and I don't care if he's in a gang or not. He's changed because he's with me. If you two don't want to see me happy than fine tell him to leave but just know this, I will sneak out just to see him" I said. "I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my house" my father yells. "You are forbidden to see him Izzy" he screams at me. "You hav no say in this! You left us" I scream back at my father. My fathers face falls as he realises what I just said to him. "I'm sorry but you are no father" I said as I continue to bring him down. Harry squeezes my hand signalling that we needed to leave, and would discuss this later. "We need to leave, we have school" I said coolly. My mother nods her head. I give my mother a quick kiss on her cheek, and grab Harry's hand and we leave my house.

"I can't believe they think they can control who I date" I said, watching the trees go by. "They think I am going to be a bad influence on you Izzy" Harry says beside me. I had almost forgot he was driving. "Yeah but your not" I said to him grabbing his warm hand. "I know, I just have to prove to them that I'm different, and I'm changing for you" he says, his words making me smile. "I love you Harry" I said. "I love you too Izzy" he says to me. "So what do we do now" I ask him. "Well first off, I need to leave the gang. It was never the right place for me to begin with" he tells me. "Won't Liam be unhappy with that" I ask him. "Yeah but this is something that needs to be  done" he tells me. I just nod my head. Harry parks the car and gets out to open my door. I glance around and notice everyone is staring at me and Harry. Than I remembered what I was wearing. Before we left. My house Harry had given me his sweater to wear. Which means we were official. And now everyone knows it. Including my ex best friend Megan. I look over at Harry, and grab his hand. We both take a deep breath before we walk over to Meg, Liam, Niall, Louis, and Zayn. Harry nods his head towards Zayn, and Zayn does the same. "Guys, I'd like you to meet my girl friend" he tells them. "We didn't meet the other day, but I'm Niall" says a boy with a Irish accent. "It's nice to meet you" I tell him. "Yeah you too" he says smiling at me. He seems a lot different from his friends, and so does Harry. Niall has no tattoos unlike Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louis. And he has his eyebrow pierced. The other boys are full of ink, and a few piercings. Harry however has absolutely no piercings.

The bell rings and we make our way inside of the school. Harry by my side, than Niall, than Zayn. Liam and Louis went with Meg somewhere. I went into the loo to fix my hair, and re apply some of my lip gloss. Three other girls came in laughing, when I turned to them they all stopped laughing. I smile sweetly at all three of them and they just stared at me. Things are definitely changing around here. At least they are for me!

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