Chapter 14- Time Will Only Tell

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   I go open the door and there's Harry standing behind it. "What did you forget mate" I ask rolling my eyes. "Nothing, uhm, I left my glass" he says to me. I open the door and lead him back into the apartment. "Which glass did you leave" I ask him. "The one I was using" Harry says impatiently.

I watch as he searches the room, as his eyes filter in on Bells door. "She went to bed" I exclaim. His eyes falter and he nods in my direction. "I knew she would" said Harry in a decisive tone. "I was heading to bed myself when you knocked" I answered abruptly. "Oh, well I found my glass" Harry said picking up his glass from the floor where he was sitting only moments before. "You know you could have came tomorrow for it" I bellowed out. "I know" came his reply. "I just didn't want to leave it here for you to clean up" he continued. "Well since you have it it's probably best you leave now so I can sleep" I said to him dryly. "Yeah I guess that seems best" he said and made his way to the door, only glancing back once to see if bells had turned her light on. "Tell her I said goodnight" he said.

I nodded, and made my way to the door to let him out. Once he left I made sure to lock the door behind him, and situated myself in my room.

I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling when there was a soft knock on my door. I sighed getting up and opening my door Bells was there clutching a blanket around her. "I can't sleep" she said. "Come on in" I said to her closing the door behind her. She took comfort in my bed, while I sat on my chair.

"It's weird he's here" she said finally; exuding a breath. I nodded in agreement. "I had no idea he'd be here Bells" I said to her. "It's fine; really Louis" she said her eyes saddening. "Hey it'll be ok Bells" I told her. "I know it will, I just don't know what he expects now that he knows I'm here" she said in a manner that spoke volumes. "I have no clue" I said to her. "He was here again; wasn't he" she said sharply. I nodded my head, "he came for his glass" I said looking to the window.

"All this time, and I still get nervous around him" she interjected. I could only murmur my reply and shake my head. As if on cue she noticed my bereavement and scowled in my direction.

"Don't you dare do what I know you're thinking in that brain of yours Mr. Tomlinson" she said. I looked at her as if I was appalled at that statement. "Moi" I said laughing. "As if I could" I continued "that would be up to the both of you" she smiled and narrowed her eyes at me. "I know how you think, and I know that you will get Niall and Zayn in on this" she said to me pointing an accusing finger to me. "Well shit Bells" I said to her in a teasing tone. "It's as if you don't know me at all" I continued. "I know you well enough to know that you will go to Niall and Zayn about this" she said accusingly. I touched my heart in a faltering way as if I'd been struck by her hurtful words. "That hurt" I said to her.

"As it should Louis, I mean it! No games!" She proclaimed. Abashed I clutched my heart yet again and spoke "I will not interfere with yours and Harry's conquests; scouts honour!" I told her. "Very well" came her reply. "Now shut out the light, so I can sleep" she said bitterly. "Yes ma'am" I laughed, turning out the light and falling into my chair I sat until I heard her softly snoring. And closing my eyes I too fell asleep.

Isabelle's POV

When I woke up the next morning I wasn't too perplexed to find my self in Louis room. I usually slept in his bed while he sat in the chair. It was more of a safety blanket than anything else. Louis was the only person I trusted. After what happened all those years ago Louis was the only one from Harry's past that stuck by side.

After I woke up, I decided to wake up Louis as well. His phone kept going off, and I wasn't the type to snoop. "Louis" I softly called, nudging him. "Ermph" came his reply. "Loiusssssss" I song songed, trying again to nudge him. "Oomphhh" came his reply as he rolled into the other side of the chair. Getting frustrated, I tugged at my hair a little. "LOUIS" I screamed, making him sit upright. "Wha-what's goin on" he asked me flustered. "Oh good you're awake" I said laughing at him. "That wasn't funny Bells" he said sarcastically. "Stop being overly dramatic" I said to him, opening his bedroom door. "It's time to wake up and finish unpacking" I said to him, waving my arm around the apartment.

Groaning, he begrudgingly sat up in his chair and stretched. "You know normal people make coffee in the morning to wake people up" he said to me. "Well I'm not normal am I" I bit back to him. "Don't have to bite my head off Bells" he said nonchalantly. Rolling my eyes I focused in on the rest of the boxes. "Besides, the coffee maker is still packed" I said to him. "Shit" came his reply. He let out a low whistle as he took in the rest of the boxes. "We have a lot to do today" he said his focus going from me to the boxes. I nodded in return. "Now do you see why I woke you up" I said chuckling. "Hmph" came his reply.

I only laughed at his reaction, and made my way to the kitchen to start un packing some of the boxes that he had marked 'kitchen'. I unpacked the mixer, toaster, and silverware; while Louis unpacked the microwave, coffee maker, and plates. We still had to unpack the coffee, pots and pans, and baking goods.

We unpacked everything in the kitchen within an hour. Louis was sitting at the island, drinking coffee; while I made myself busy making breakfast. I was just halfway through making a batch of bacon when there was a knock at the door. Louis looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I don't who the fuck it is" I whispered to him. Scooting off his stool and trudging to the door, Louis greeted who ever was behind it. "Yeah sure man, come in" he said to the stranger. I heard the door close behind him, and as I held my breath waiting for who ever was at the door to enter, I could hear my heartbeat in my ears.

"Relax Bells" came Louis' voice. "It's just Niall and Zayn" he said. I let my breath out in a puff. "Hey guys" I said embracing them both in a hug. "Ey Izzy" came Nialls reply, Zayn just nodded with a smile. "You always were the quiet one Zayn" I said to him nodding back. Zayn gave me a sheepish after that. "Ello Iz" he said, smiling at me. "That's a bit better" I interjected, giving him a small smile.

"We heard about Harry" came Nialls voice. Rolling my eyes at Louis, all I could say was "I knew you would" turning towards Louis I punched his arm. "I told you to stay out of it" I scowled. "Hey now" came Louis' reply.

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