Chapter 9- Are we breaking up??

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Zayn's POV

"Louis where the fuck did he go" I scream. "I have no idea mate" Louis says to me, concern in his eyes. "But we need to find him" he says to me. "No kidding" I said. If Harry or Izzy find out that Liam got out of the car, we'd be screwed and so would they. "I'm going to look towards the woods" I tell Louis, "are you coming" I ask him. "Yeah, might as well search there" he says to me. So we make our way down to the woods. At first it was hard to see anything, but within minutes I spotted a blood trail. "Yo Louis" I call. "yeah mate" he says. "Look" I say pointing to the blood trail. "Did he really think we wouldn't find him" He asks me.

"Apparently not" I said. We make our way towards the path, and follow the blood spots. By the time we got to the spot where the blood had ended it was dark. "Louis did you bring a flashlight" I said. "Yeah hang on" he says. He turns the light on, and right in front of us is Liam. "You don't look too good mate" Louis says. "Well I wonder why" Liam growls back. "You know damn well why we did what we did" I spit back. "Trying to kill me wasn't one of your best ideas boys" Liam growls. "Oh and whys that" I ask. "You're already dying Liam, if you're trying to either scare us or threaten us it isn't going to work" Louis says to him. "Did I say that" Liam says, now coughing. "You just couldn't leave well enough alone could you Liam" I ask him. "What are you babbling about" Liam questions. "The fact that you were so jealous that Harry was finally happy, that you tried taking the one thing that makes him happy" I scream at him.

"I was never jealous Zayn, he was leaving the gang" Liam screamed back at me, causing him to fall forward onto his knees. The fire had taken a toll on him, and he had a huge gash in his stomach. Probably from where Louis had shot him hours earlier. I didn't feel any pity for the man who had threatened my best mates girl. "I don't care if he was leaving us or not" I said, bringing my gun up to his forehead. "Woah Zayn, don't shoot him out here people will hear the gunshot" Louis reminded me. "Fine, but what do we do than" I ask Louis. "We watch him until he dies, he's bleeding out Zayn" Louis tells me. "Ok, but if he moves, I'm shooting him in the head" I said. Louis nods, "agreed" Louis says.

Harry's POV

"Babe I'm going to take a shower" I yell to Izzy. "Ok, I'll meet you downstairs after" she yells to me from her room. Surprisingly her father said it was ok for me to stay tonite. We had told him that I had been shot in the city by some thugs who tried to mug me. I didn't want him to find out that I am in fact in a gang, although I'm not so sure about that anymore. From what Louis and Zayn have told me, Liam might not have lived from the shoot out.

I take my hair out of the bandana that I keep it up with, and turn the faucets on. I wait till the shower gets to the right temperature and get in. I'm still mulling things over when I feel hands behind me. I turn around to face Izzy. "You know if your father finds out you're in here with me he will have a fit" I said to her. " I know, but I also don't care, I love you Harold" she says to me. "I love you too Izzy, but honestly love I can't have your father cross with me" I said to her. "Oh fine" she says to me pouting. I smile at her and kiss her forehead. After she gets out I turn the shower off, and grab a towel.

As I start getting dressed I hear a car pull into the drive way. I look out Izzy's window and see Louis and Zayn get out. Both are discussing something serious when they come inside. "No Zayn, we need to tell them both together" Louis is telling Zayn. "Ok fine, but I'm telling you now Louis Harry and Niall are not gonna be pleased" he says to Louis. "Yeah no kidding" Louis says.

"Hey you guys" Niall calls out. "Hey" Louis and Zayn manage. I make my way downstairs, I need to find out what happened to Liam. "Hey guys" I say to Louis and Zayn. "Oh hey harry, we were wondering where you were" Louis says. "I was upstairs with Izzy, where have you guys been" I ask. "Well we found Liam" Zayn says. "And" I press. "He's dead" Louis states. "Oh well that's good news" I say, "so we no longer have to worry about being in a gang anymore I guess" Niall says. "Nope" Louis and Zayn say together. I breathe a sigh of relief. Finally after 4 years of being in the gang I'm free! I must say it feels great.

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