Chapter 5- Adventure Time

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Warning: Adult Content

Harry's POV

My hands slide her panties off. I gaze back into her gray eyes as if asking her if it was ok for us to be doing this so soon. She gives me a slight nod as if reading my mind. I smile at her slightly, she was now completely naked and vulnerable. I suddenly wanted to feel every inch of her body. I instinctively stuck a finger into her and heard her gasp. I tilt my head to the side and took my finger out. "No, please don't stop Harry" she says to me with pleading eyes. I smile at her and nod my head. I than stick my middle finger back into her. This time getting a hiss from her. Her groans, turn into loud moans. As I quicken my pace, I change my rhythm from one finger to two. She stops me suddenly and takes my fingers out. "What's wrong" I ask her. "Nothing, but don't you think it would be better if you were inside me" she asks me suddenly.

I tilt my head to the side and look at her, confusion was evident on my face. "So you want me inside you, but not my fingers" I ask her. "Yes, Harry" she says nodding. "Ok" I say nodding my head. I take my shirt off, and undo my belt buckle on my pants. I immediately feel Izzy's hands on my waist. Was she seriously going to take off my pants? "It's alright, I got them" she says looking into eyes. Well that answers my question. I felt her tugging at my jeans, and watched carefully as she slid them all the way down to my ankles.

When I looked into her eyes again I saw them go wide. I looked to where she was looking and saw that I had a bulge in my under garments. "What's wrong" I asked her, confusion sweeping me once again. "Nothing" she says, blushing. I take her gently in my arms and kiss her full lips. "You can tell me what's wrong Izzy" I tell her. "Your, um, very well equipped" she says to me. "Yeah, I guess I am" I said to her, chuckling. I lay her gently on the blankets covering my living room floor. Gazing in her eyes, she nods her head as if answering a question I didn't have to ask.

I grab a condom from my pocket, and slide it on. I than gently caress Izzy's throbbing lips with my thumb before I gently thrust into her, earning a moan from her. I move in and out of her slowly and gently, taking my time. "You can go a little faster Harry" she whispers in my ear. I look at her for a moment, and she nods. I change my pace going a little faster than before. By the time I am close to my climax she is screaming, and there are nail marks on my back. Some I'm pretty sure are bleeding.

After our little adventure, I pick up my pants and put them on. "What do you want to do for the rest of our time together today" I ask her. "We could cuddle, I'm kind of sleepy" she tells me. "That sounds like a great idea" I said to her.

Isabelle's POV

*After Nap*

An hour after mine and Harry's nap, I wake up and stretch. I can't believe I'm not a virgin anymore. Shaking my head in disbelief, I go to the bathroom. Sitting in the trash can is a condom I didn't even know he used one. I than looked closer and realized it was broken. "What the fuck" I say to myself. I grab the condom and bring it out to Harry.

"What the hell is this" I ask him. He looks at me, and than at the condom in my hand. "What's wrong" he asks me. "It's broken Harry" I say to him. "It didn't break inside you if that's what your wondering" he says to me. "Oh, I am so sorry Harry, I just thought" I said to him. "I know. And don't worry I would of told you if it had broken inside you" he says to me. Those words alone help me to calm down. I seriously can not believe I thought he would just let a condom break and not tell me.

"We should start heading back to my house" I tell him, looking at the clock in the kitchen. "It's almost time for school to be over" I tell him. He looks at the clock as well, and nods his head. "we should go to the school, just I case your mum or dad pass by" he says to me. "My dad doesn't live here in England Harry. He left to live in America" I tell him. "Oh, I'm sorry Izzy I didn't know" he says to me. "It's ok" I said to him. I grab my school bag and head towards the door when Harry grabs me by my waist. He turns me around to face him and smashes his lips on mine. I tangle my fingers in his hair and deepen the kiss. We stop kissing, and hook our arms together and walk out his apartment door, which he locks after.

*At school*

We sit on the steps of the school and wait for the bell to ring signaling it's the end of the day. Once it does, Harry picks me up bridal style and sets me down on the bottom of the steps. "IZZY" a voice behind us screams. We both turn around to see Meg walking towards us. "Where were you" she asks me. "I was with Harry today" I said to her. "Oh, well here's the homework for your classes" she says, handing me my work for the classes I missed today. She gives Harry a dirty look and storms off.

"I wonder why she is so pissed off" I say to Harry. I than feel his hand squeeze mine, and I realise why she was so upset. She saw mine and Harry's hands intertwined. Or she could of seen Harry carrying me down the steps of the school. But in all truth I didn't care what she thought. I was happy. I was finally happy. I had a boyfriend who actually cared about me. "Harry, can I spend the night at your apartment tonight" I ask Harry. Harry looks at me for a moment. "I honestly don't mind, but I think you should ask your mum" he says to me. I'm actually quite scared of what my mum will say about me dating Harry. He isn't quite like the other boys I have dated. He's definitely different, but I find myself drawn to him.

*Skip walk to Izzy's house*

When I get home, I walk through the door, and call for my mum. "Yes Izzy" her voice comes from the kitchen, "Follow me" I say to Harry. Harry follows me into the kitchen and takes a seat on the other side of my mum. "Mum, this is Harry, my boyfriend" I tell her. "That's nice" she says to me smiling. "It's nice to meet you Harry" she says, holding her hand out for Harry to shake. Harry takes my mums hand and shakes it smiling politely. "How are you ma'am" Harry says. "I'm good, but please call me Ms. Taylor" my mum says. Harry nods, and my mum drops his hand. "Uh mum, can I spend the night at Harry's tonight" I ask. "I don't think that's such a great idea" my mum says. "But we have a project due in two days, and I wanted to get some of it finished tonight" I tell her. "The answer is no Izzy, I'm sorry" she says to me.

The tears are burning in my eyes, threatening to fall. I don't get why my mum was suddenly being a bitch. It didn't make any sense, she was never like this with my other boyfriends, I was able to spend the night at most of their houses. I just didn't understand. "I'm sorry Harry, but I think it's best if you go home now. I'm sure your parents are searching for you" my mum says to Harry. "You are probably right. I should get going, it's getting late. I will see you tomorrow Izzy" he says to me. I just nod my head.

After I hear the door click shut, I yell at my mum. "You always let me spend the night at my other boyfriends houses, why couldn't I stay at his" I yell at her. "We are not discussing this Izzy" she yells back. "And why the hell not" I scream. "Izzy please, the neighbours will hear" she hisses. "I don't really give a flying fuck about them mum" I scream louder. "This is not fair and you know it! You are being such a bitch" I continue screaming at my mum. "What's going on here" I hear a familiar voice call. It's my father, but what in the world is he doing here. "Nothing" I say, running up the stairs to my room. "Izzy your father has asked you a question" my mum says to me. "I don't care" I scream down at both of them. I didn't want to see him, and I sure as hell didn't want to continue my discussion with my wretched mother!

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