Kicked Out

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"He's coming for us...isn't he?" Larry asked. Lemmy nodded. They groaned. "It's not all bad, Bowser is coming because he cares!" Lemmy explained. "Bowser is coming because he wants us to be his minions again." Ludwig stated harshly.

"Agreed, he's always bossing us around and shoving his affection for Junior in our face." Larry spat. "Why is it so hard for you guys to look at the bright side in things?" Lemmy questioned.

They stared at him for a long time, before looking down at their feet. But just as they were about to speak, Bowser broke down the wall, appearing to be in the Koopa Clown Car.

"King Da-Bowser! We missed you!" Lemmy cheered, while running over to him, attempting to hug him, only to get grabbed. "Correction, he missed you." Wendy added.

"Get in the car. Now!" Bowser growled. They slowly did as told, grumbling all the way back to the castle.

After being grounded, getting taken away their wands, and having been put a chain and ball on a leg, things couldn't be worse.

"This is unfair! You can't have us wearing these stupid prisoner chains!" Larry yelled. "We're not animals! You can't just chain us up!" Wendy added.

"Well this is MY castle, and you're living under MY roof, so therefore you follow MY rules!" Bowser growled. "Well NEWS FLASH! We're NOT YOUR children!" Roy yelled.

Bowser stared at them all for a long time, then noticed as Lemmy used crayons to decorate the ball on the chain. He glared back at them once more.

"I give you guys a home, food, wands, everything you ask, and this is how you repay me?" He questioned. "Don't start with this stupid topic." Larry said, having already heard the conversation, and almost memorized it, along with the rest.

Bowser frowned at them. He grabbed them all in one chain, and threw them out, quite literally. "Alright. Since you're not my children, I don't have to care for any of you! And you don't have to come back here, EVER. Unless you have a good excuse, don't come back. Don't even glance this way." Bowser growled, before slamming the door.

Steam seemed to be coming out of their heads. "He didn't mention we couldn't go back for our stuff." Morton mumbled. Wendy then grinned.

"Lemmy and Larry, I'll need you two to get out all of our things. And get the wands too." Wendy ordered. "What?! Why us?!" Larry asked. "Because you two are small enough to fit through the air vent." Wendy said.

"But so are you!" Larry pointed out. "Listen DJ dimwit, the air vent is disgusting and filthy. So go and get our stuff! NOW!" Wendy yelled. Larry mumbled curses under his breath, before looking for a way in.

"There's an open window!" Lemmy stated, pointing towards one. Larry noticed it as well, and soon the two went in. They found the vent, and began to climb through it.

After a while, they'd gotten seven suitcases, full of the Koopalings' most important, or prized possessions. Now all that was left were the wands.

"The wands are in Bowser's room. I sneaked into it earlier, trying to find mine. And I saw them there, before that overgrown koopa kicked me out." Larry explained.

"Well who's gonna go into his room and take them?" Lemmy asked. "You will." Larry answered. "What?! Why me? He's bound to kill me if he sees me there!" Lemmy stated. "Oh yeah? Rock, papers, scissors!" Larry challenged.

Lemmy looked a bit unsure of the idea, but agreed anyway. They went once. "Scissors beats rock!" Larry blurted out. "What?! No it doesn't!" Lemmy argued. "Hello my name is Cheatsy....," Larry greeted, before tying a rope around Lemmy's stomach.

"Now deal with it, and go steal the stupid wands!" He growled, before pushing Lemmy down. Lemmy hung upside down, and took a glance around the room. He then spotted the wands shining in a corner. He leaned over, and each time he swung forth, he took a wand.

After seven times, he pulled on the rope. Larry quickly pulled him up, and smirked at the sight of the wands. "Great! Now let's get outta here!" Larry stated. The two returned to their earlier location, and got out.

Lemmy then handed everyone their wands, while Larry handed them their suitcases. They then took the Koopa Clown Car, along with the keys.

"So is everyone ready to go?" Wendy asked. "Go? Go where?" Lemmy questioned. "To the great city to cause chaos of course! Bowser won't be missing us after all." Ludwig explained.

"You guys are gonna leave?" Lemmy asked, his voice slightly shaky. "We, Lemmy, We. You're coming, aren't ya?" Iggy asked. Lemmy looked back at the castle, then back at them.

"Don't tell me you're staying here with that...that insolent koopa, are you? You're gonna stay here, with someone who...less than half the time knows you exist? We care, Lemmy. Weather or not you believe us." Ludwig explained.

"I know you guys care about me..and I care for you too..but...I can't leave this place....." He mumbled. "He doesn't care anymore for you, then he cares for us..." Wendy stated. Morton then sniffed.

"Enough of this emotional crap! You either can come with us, or you can live with that hellish monster that you still consider 'family'. Because a long time ago, we were disowned. And we're aware you're still getting over it. But it happened okay? We all have to learn to deal with it, weather we like it or not." Roy shouted.

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