Found and Revealed....

864 35 15


‘Listen guys I’m overstepping my bounds as beta and guest on Isaac’s territory but if you’ve been destined as mates then you can’t ignore your wolves’ call. ‘ Isaac growled at him aggressively and so he decided to go for a different tact. ‘Look Isaac I came to discuss the safety of both our packs against the invading breacena’s wolves which have been threatening us. Thea today was attacked and drugged by some robbers.’

‘What did they steal?’ Isaac asked suddenly snapping his head in Alexander’s direction.

‘Brilliant!’ I screamed ‘So you’re not at all concerned for my safety!’ I said storming off.

‘Wait Thea! Wait!’ Isaac called.

And that’s when it hit me.


Isaac’s p.o.v

I watched as Thea’s face contorted in pain before she turned away, my wolf screamed at me to protect her. ‘Stop moving away Thea, the pain will get worse if you do!’ I cried urgently. She lifted her leg to take another step. ‘Come to me’ I said gently.

She looked at me and I felt my wolfs heart melt a little, her face was tear stained and pale, her lips bright red from having bitten them in pain, her red mass of hair blew in wisps all around her hair.

‘I can’t...’ she whispered.

‘Yes you can, Thea,’ I insisted gently ‘we’ll work this out together.’

‘I don’t want this,’ She cried tears falling down her face.

‘I know you don’t Thea. Come one, come inside and we’ll talk about it,’ I repeated.

‘Why am I feeling like this!’ She sobbed ‘why does it hurt? Why are you making it hurt!’

‘It’s not me. Our wolves don’t want us to separate until we’ve mated, when we move away they rebel,’ I explained reaching out my hand.

‘He’s telling the truth Thea,’ Alexander said behind me. ‘Trust him.’

Thea’s eyes darted between the two of us, I could see she was weighing up whether she could trust us or not.

‘OK,’ she said at last stepping towards us, ‘it’s not like I’ve got a choice.’

Inside if felt my wolf breathe a sigh of relief, and calm down a little as Thea came closer. I led the way inside suddenly conscious that my tumbling, draughty house was now ours. Ours.

‘Um it’s through here,’ I said awkwardly gesturing to the sitting room. I’d lit a fire before and it was still roaring in the grate, but the rest of the room was dark and must. Ops, a spring clean might be an idea.

I sat down in the arm chair whilst Thea and Alexander took the sofa, I watched keenly as Alexander scanned the room curiously.

‘So what happens now?’ Thea asked after a while.

‘Normally when two mates find one another the ‘urge’ is too strong and they mate fairly soon afterwards, pledging their lives to one another.’ I explained.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2011 ⏰

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