Dancing Petals

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That slideshow over there are pictures I found that remind me of Rachael! So comment and let me know which one you think is most like Rachael! Oh BTW..... this is a tear jerker.... sort of....


"Uncle Hank, can ask I you something?" I walked outside onto the porch of the house where Uncle Clarion was sitting. The sun was just setting low and it's colors were erupting on the horizon. Uncle Hank was sitting on one of the porch swings taking swigs out of a jug, what was in it? Well I'll leave that for you to guess. I went over and sat right next to him letting the warm breeze ruffle my hair. I was still in my sweats and my hair was all over the place but I honestly didn't care.

"Sure, but if it's about something you know... Girly, I'm Not the one to talk to." His face looked relaxed. I could see the small wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. Those kind of lines only come from a life of laughing and smiling.

"No it's not anything girly, but I don't know what you would count as girly." I looked out at the yard. It was quiet and beautiful. It looked like a painting, it was almost as if that it wasn't even there,"I've been thinking and I just wanted to ask when was the last time you talked to your brother?" yeah, the tears stopped about an hour ago when Zach was comforting me, but this time I refused to let them break free.

Uncle Hank looked at me with his dark eyes and gave me a sad smile, which I rarely see from him,"Well... I guess it was about two years back... Just a year before he left us..."

"Oh... What did you say to each other?" questions were just gnawing at my stomach, threatening to eat me alive.

"He told me that he misses the old days...," he paused and cleared his throat. His eyes started to glisten with barely noticeable tears,"Those days when we would do everything together, just like brothers should... And I told him the same..."

I looked ahead at the sunset trying to keep my eyes distracted, telling them not to break,"Did he say anything else?"

Uncle Hank looked at me even though I refused to look back at him,"He told me to take good care of you... Told me to tell you that he loves you... But I haven't gotten the chance to until now."

I stared out at the the now dark sky with just those last rays of sunlight, trying to soak up those last bits of light,"I just had to know..." It barely came out, nohing more than a whisper.

"Don't think that I don't understand kiddo. I want you to know that I may be the fun Uncle, but I do have one serious bone in my body." He put his free arm around me and gave me one of those reassuring squeezes. When he didn't see me show any recognition to what he just said he knew something was up,"Cally? Is there something else you want to tell me?"

YES!!!! I want to tell you that coming here was one of the most best- worst mistakes I have ever made! But... I don't regret one moment of it. I wanted to tell him about Zach and Charlie, but right when I thought about that, he seemed to have read my mind,"So, something is going on, what is it? C'mon just tell me."

He's That Summer BreezeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin