Fairy Swing's

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Just maybe.... 

This isn't a dream. 

Lights everywhere spinning around us going in and out of my hair and there is too many to keep track of. Soon my head is spinning around and around like a twisted Merry-Go-Round, I can tell the others, Faceless strangers, around me are also feeling ill. 

A shot of pain sparks deep with in my stomach and makes a straight line up to my head, If I could move I would have held my head and screamed, I try to move my head bursting the pretty white lights are vicious to my sensitive eyes. 

I wish...

I could just die or wake up from this nightmare gone bad, Suddenly It all stops and I am alone. The faceless strangers are gone and a chill moves through me. My eyes adjust from the loss of the pretty swirling lights, Shadows still plays in my eyes as I looked around. 

The cause of the chill was the broken down barn I stood in, I could smell hay and the leftovers of animals. I look up and there is a loft above with a large split in the middle with a ladder that led up to the loft. "We need to go over the plan." My eyes widened as I heard the voice and footsteps of more than one person. 

I look around and then something tells me to go up the ladder, The pain from before is gone as I reach up and touch the wooden ladder, I quickly climb up my fear of heights make my palms sweat but the wood wouldn't let me go unlike metal. 

I found the loft to be weak and patchy except for a small place that was straight up from me, I press myself tight against the wall as I look down at the floor below me. Three men walk in, I could tell by the hight of each and there short haircuts "She will be here any minute, We have to go through with this." 

"I don't know, I think this might be a bad idea."One of the men said running a hand through his hair messing up his over comb, I leaned closer wondering why this was familiar, "No it's not!" One of the males shouted pointing a finger at the man that said it was a bad idea.

 I felt fear run down my spine as I covered my mouth to block my heavy breathing, "This man thinks they have any rights?" He had curly hair and a scar running across the back of his neck, I could see his arms wave and he seemed to be going to go into a rant when a handsome man stopped him "I agree, Thats why we have to do this."He said looking at the man with a over comb. 

"Right.." I felt a panic as the handsome man's eyes looked up the loft and I moved into the back thinking of how stupid it was didn't I remember the old saying curiosity killed the cat?. "Your a good man, Brave to kill a man." My heart thudded and I felt a sharp wave of panic. 

"I've killed before." remarked the man that saved the other from hearing a rant. "I think that you will do well to kill the....."I froze in my spot as the curly haired man looked up at the loft "Outside gentleman"He said I closed my eyes and prayed that he didn't see me. 

I would be killed, I knew it.... 

I felt another chill as the wind blown through the cracks of the barn, I thought that they left maybe to find another place to discuss murder, I couldn't place a feeling that I felt through my body a deeper pain than the one I felt with the swirling lights. 

An emotional pain...


I was half way down the ladder as the barn door swung open, I let out a squeak as I tried to get away, forgetting my fear of heights I panicked and turned around in the middle of the ladder, I was half way back up and into my corner when someone grabbed my ankles "Calm down! You shouldn't have heard that Doll." One of the men said as he pulled me down. 

I tried to find anything to grab on to my nails where weakly clawing at the loft floor "Doll, come off it." I twisted and fought and then I stopped when I hit my elbow, and felt familiar arms encircle my waist. On some level I knew I was safe, I stopped my fighting and let the man pull me down all the way "What's gotten in to you?"He asked. 

I stayed looking at the floor, My voice was barley heard through the wind that was whipping around the barn "You're going to kill someone." He sighed "Its for the greater good, He gave too much to them Its wrong."He said pulling me into his chest. 

My eyes where on the white shirt that was rough against my cheek, I inhaled and felt a strange sensation of affection. He smelled natural and all man, I looked up and in the face of the handsome man from before. His blue eyes bore into mine, He looked at me with such intensity  that my heart leaped.

"It doesn't matter, We aren't hurt by this."I found myself saying, I didn't know what was gave to who but I knew that  it wasn't as important as they thought it was. "Yes it does." He pulled away from me and I was able to pull my eyes away to actually look at him. 

He was taller than me, His face was handsome the only thing that might have been thought as ugly was a difference in his cheek bones, One was more predominate than the other. His nose was slightly crooked, His skin was tan and clear of any imperfections. 

He smiled "I'm doing this for us Doll. It's good to see you... Here."He said pulling out a single yellow daisy. I couldn't help but smiled and grab the flower that anyone could find this time of year on the side of the road but something about him giving it to me meant more than anything. 

"Don't look so sad."He said touching my cheek "How could I not be sad you're going to kill some innocent person."I snapped realized that this dream was extremely lucid for I felt the warmth and rough patches on his hand. I noticed a scar on his wrist a couple of inches from where the artery was, A bullet wound. 

"Not innocent" He said as if he had already made up his mind and I folded "I don't know who you are." I said, He smiled "Yes you do, You know all about me, Doll."He added his blue eyes never changed from a intense stare but behind that I could see the sparkle of something. 

"No, I don't."I persisted, He laughed and it warmed my body "Doll, You will remember. After all I will see you again."He said smiling wider and the corners of his eyes crinkled. I nodded and he leaned in "Do I at least get a kiss?"He asked I nodded what could it hurt? 

It was just a dream...

He looked into my eyes one last time and then leaned in, I closed my eyes and felt his hands on my waist pulling me close to him, When our lips meant a jolt ran through me, Something I had never experienced before my heart warmed and my toes curled, He pulled away. 

His forehead rested on mine and I could feel his warm breath fan my face "I love you."He said pulling away "I always will."

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