Chapter Seven

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Light flared around my eyes and I relaxed.. 

I smiled in my head as I let it happen I stood around the faceless strangers. I noticed that there was less of them then before and I wondered what happen to them. Did something happen to make them disappear or does it mean for something for me? 

I felt the building of something different then last time as it went dark and the lights that was swirling around me fled. I didn't feel any pain as I stood at the entrance of a very tall building and someone was walking towards me. A well dressed man with wavy dark hair that was in his face until his ran his hand through his hair and I noticed who it was immediately  "Stefan?"I called as he nodded "Good to see you too Annabella, Its been a while I wish it was under different circumstances." He told me as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles. "Not married I see."He said I shrugged "What's going on?"I asked there was a tightness growing in my stomach as he frowned and looked at the building "He's asked for you." 

My breath left me and Stefan steadied me as I titled towards the earth, "He asked for me?"I repeated as if I had miss heard him. "Yes." He let go of my arms "It is your choice."He said I couldn't believe this was happening. I always assumed that my dreams would stop before he hanged or something, I nodded and Stefan led me into the building that held the conspirators in the Lincoln assassination. 

It was cold or maybe it was just me, I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself as I looked in a cell that housed the poor Atzerodt looked terrified and when he saw me, He looked scared and he looked as if he was pleading for even someone he has never met directly to forgive him. I heard a moan and then someone whispering, I looked around Stefan to see Mrs. Surratt who looked like death. 

My heart was pounding as we reached only cell, I looked at Stefan and wondered if he would be a calm and distant like they described. "We came in through the back like you asked." Stefan said to the person in the ceil, My eyes where glued to the floor and even when he said "Anna." I couldn't look up. I didn't want to believe this was happening "Doll look at me."He carefully said the guard on the door frowned and stood up "Payne is this your visitor?"He asked Lewis nodded and kept his eyes on mine "Here don't try anything though."He warned unlocking the door. 

Lewis came over to me, I could see his boots and when I felt he hand on my cheek. "Don't cry."He whispered. I sniffed and looked up to see his handsome face "Come here."He said pulling me into the cell nodding to Stefan "I'll be outside."He said standing by the guard. He pulled me into his chest and I couldn't help but tear up again "Anna, I'm sorry"He said I shook my head "No you're not" I said pulling away, "I am."He stated his blue eyes searching my own eyes. I couldn't help it my eyes that moved up to look him in the face his blue eyes holding me in and I could see the way they reflecting his own sorrow. 

My heart broke but I held strong or as strong as I could with my heart breaking, It was like my own soul was spiltting apart and I felt angered that it was happening to soon. That I had gotten cheated by some force. I let out a breath I couldn't let myself be sucked into the dream, I couldn't but as he looked down at me I can't help but want to savor his arms, His sent, and the looks he gave me. "How could you?"I asked my voice was so rough and a mere whisper I was surprised he heard me. "For you and everyone, I only regret not making you an honest woman. Will you forgive me?"He asked genualy regretful. 

"Of course" It was an automatic response as looking at him when he asks, The scary truth is that I would do anything for him "She's not involved Anna, Could you go and see if they will spare her?"He asked I frowned "Lewis, She was the one who took you in and invited you to that small gathering where Booth was." I said my voice still sounded so strange. "She wasn't involved, John made sure of that." For a moment I actually believed him, everything pointed to her being innocent but they way she looked in that ceil her body looked to be trying to purge itself of the guilt. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2011 ⏰

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