Chapter Three

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That smelll......

I groaned and snuggled closer to the smell, My dream drifted back to me and I jolted awake and ended up rolling out of bed and onto the hard floor. I groaned again and rolled off of my sore butt "Why did I get rid of the carpet?"I asked my cat who looked about ready to attack. "Sorry."I offered her, She flicked her tail and turned her back to me "Glad we can agree on something."I sighed as I stood up and looked at my bed. 

It was empty...

For some reason it didn't settle good with me, I ran a hand through my knotted hair and rolled my eyes, I must have tossed and turned all night. Not exactly calming, I forced myself to not think about my dream and walk into my bathroom. 

I did my morning routing and I looked up from the sink and froze, on the side of my cheek almost to my ear, I had a patch of mud. I blinked and closed my eyes thinking that maybe I was just seeing things. Touching the patch of mud I found it to be actual mud, I practically slammed my bedroom door open and looked around, I flipped my covers everything trying to find any dirt. 

Maybe If I can find some dirt I could claim that I just drooled a little in my sleep and the dirt stuck on my face. It would have been that simple if there was any. 

Of course nothing so far had been simple...

I sat down on my bed and looked at my clean hands, My nails painted a pretty ruby red, I bit my lip and reached to my packed nightstand and plucked something to get the dirt from under my nails, I slid it under my nail and nothing was there. 

Then I smelt him again, I frowned and looked around my room, Why did I smell him? I couldn't place where the smell was coming from. Then I looked down at my pillow "This is crazy." I muttered bring my pillow to my nose and inhaled. 

Earth and him, Lewis's sent, I pulled my face away once I realized that I had kept to too long over my face. My pillow rested in my lap, I had to get rid of him, This was becoming more than a stupid dream, For one you don't just wake up after having a dream of falling in mud and have a patch of it on your face. Second the dream man, Who is dead also, That you share a cot with in your dream. You definitely don't have his sent lingering on your sheets. 

Then I saw it resting on my other pillow on the other side of my bed that never got messed up because I didn't sleep on that side of the bed. A pressed daisy rested on the pillow and I could almost see Lewis holding it out of my reach 'Eat than you might get this flower back.'. I swallowed my throat went dry as the flower sat there as if he was telling me 'Here there is your flower back.' .

I knew one thing....

This...This was not a normal thing... 


I couldn't keep staying in denial. 






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