A thousand miles

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Chapter 1 

An- This is a new fic that i have decided to write. I was originally going to turn my Ashton one shirt into a fanfic, however i couldn't really think of many ideas. So instead i started this new one. And a warning this chapter does contain smut, but i don't know if any other chapters will! I hope you enjoy!

I was sat on the edge of the bathtub, the little white stick in my hand. The time was slowly ticking by as i sat there and thought. I began to think about how this all happened. How everything happened.

About one month ago I travelled to Australia with my older sister for a month. She wanted to get away for a month and didn't want to go alone. So at the age of seventeen I was on my way down under. All the way from Dorset England to Sydney Australia.

I was so happy to get away. I had finished my GCSE’s and my A-levels, happy to get away before I had to go to uni. What I didn’t expect was to have a wild holiday romance and make some amazing new friends.

When I arrived in Sydney with my sister I didn’t expect anything exciting to happen. I just thought it was going to be a usual holiday where I could chill out and just have fun. I was so wrong. As we got off the plane my sister was being her usual self. Randomly talking at me and not allowing me to reply. But I didn't mind, it allowed me to look around the large airport. Look at all the different people there and come up with stories for them. Once we collected our bags and were out of the airport my sister told me we would have to take a bus to the hotel that we were staying at. She noticed the bus and ran straight off to it. I didn't realise that she had gone somewhere.

I pulled myself out of my day dreams to notice I was alone. I saw my sister getting onto a bus which was outside the airports car park. How the hell she got there so quickly I don't know. I saw the bus doors closing and I cursed before sprinting over to it! I wasn't really looking where I was going when I crashed into someone.

"Shit I'm so sorry!" I apologised quickly while getting off the floor.

"Don't worry about it" I heard a deep Sydney accent say. I looked up to see the most attractive guy I have ever seen. I smiled up at him before quickly looking over to where the bus was. It had left!

"Double shit!" I cursed again.

"Missed your bus?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm Ashton and this might sound like a very stupid suggestion but couldn't you just phone her?" 

"Sophie, oh and trust me i would. But i stupidly took her advice and packed it in my suitcase" I looked around for it "Which i now realise she has taken it. I swear im going to have to slap her one day" I sighed.

"You know you could just borrow my phone maybe?" He suggested with a smile

"Seriously? You would let me?" I asked 

"Ofcourse, you don't look like you would run off with my phone" He laughed loudly before taking his phone out his pocket and handing it over. "Here". I quickly put my sister Amelia's number into the phone and pressed call.

"Hello? Who is this?" She questioned

"It's me you idiot. You left without me and I am still at this fucking airport" I angrily whispered into the phone. "Where are you?" 

"I have literally just got off the bus. Why didn't you use your phone?" She asked confused

"Hmmm maybe because you made me pack it in your suitcase. Anyway I borrowed this guys phone. His name is Ashton" I replied to her a little annoyed.

"Oh thats good then...is he cute? i bet he is cute" Ash blushed at this, he obviously heard.

"Mia! You can't just ask me that"

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