Chapter ten

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Chapter ten

After all that drama we all decided to go to sleep. Luke and Freya in their room. I joined Belle in the spare room while Ceara and Mikey were in the other spare room. That left Calum and Ashton sleeping in the lounge.

I awoke quite early the next morning due to Belle poking my side.

"Mummy, mummy" she whispered into my ear.

"Yes?" I sleepily groaned out.

"I'm hungry mummy"

"Okay darling." I got out of bed and didn't need to change due to not having pyjamas the night before. Belle and I then walked downstairs, quietly making out way through the lounge so we didn't awake Calum or Ashton. I wanted to do something simple for Belle so I found some coco pops in the cupboard and gave a small bowel to her. I didn't want anything to eat so I simply just made myself a cup of tea.

I slowly sipped at my tea while Belle munched away eating happily. I was just taking a sip when Ashton came in.

"Hey" he said nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

"Hello" I replied a little coldly.

"Daddy!" Belle smile before shovelling another spoonful of coco pops into her mouth.

Ashton smiled back at her. "Hello sweetie" he then looked over at me. "Look I am very sorry about last night. It was really rude of me to say."

I took another sip. "It's fine. It was just hurtful. I mean I really did try to tell you. Trust me I really would of wanted you to have known Belle before"

"I understand. I let my emotions get the best of me" he sighed while sitting down with me.

"I admit I could of tried harder to tell you or come out here earlier." I smiled at him. "Can we maybe forget about this argument? I don't want to argue with you, or anyone for that matter. Especially because of little Belle here"

"I would like that very much. So friends?" He laughed.

"Yeah friends" I giggled back. The morning carried on with the others waking up and getting ready for the day. But before I knew it Ceara, Belle and I were home. Belle was left with a little toy and began playing with a toy while I sat on the sofa and began to talk to Ceara.

"So erm I have something to tell you" I told her nervously.

"Which is?"

"Calum and I kissed last night." I rushed out quickly.

"YOU WHAT?" She shouted as a reply and Belle looked up worried. "Oh I'm sorry darling." Ceara told her before facing me again.

"Calum and I kissed" I said a little slower this time.

"Do you like him?" She questioned.

"I think I do. He's sweet and if we happen to kiss again then that's all well and good" my cheeks were turning red with blush. Just to add to my blush I then received a text from the man himself. The message read "hey Sophie do you maybe want to go out for dinner tonight? I will pick you up at 7? Like a date? If you want it to be a date. I don't mind if you don't want it to be a date. Anyway I hope we can meet up ." My cheeks blush got deeper and deeper.

"It's him isn't it?" She asked and I just nodded passing her the phone so she could see the message. She squealed as she saw it. "Are you going to go?"

"Yes. Yes I will"I smiled deeply. "But who is going to look after Belle?" I asked worriedly.

"Ergh I can't believe I am going to say this but Freya and I will. We were going to meet tonight anyway but we will look after them for sure. You will have to repay me though!" She laughed.

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