chapter fourteen

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Chapter 14

Sophie's pov

"SHE'S CHEATING ON YOU!" I shouted out staring him right in the eye.

"No your wrong. You are drunk and making things up" he blurted out.

"I swear Ashton. Why would I ever lie to you?"

"Because you are jealous of her. That it you are jealous. You still have feelings for me. You just want me" he laughed.

"If you want the truth then yes I still have feelings for you. But I would never ever lie about your future fiancé cheating. God who do you think I am?" I was shocked. How could he think that I was lying.

"Look you need to forget about those feelings as they are obviously making you do stupid things. I'm not going to listen to you calling my future wife a cheater" he huffed before storming out of the kitchen. I slammed my glass back down onto the table, god was I pissed off.

I walked away from the kitchen quickly going to find Freya and Luke.

"Hey can we go soon" I asked through gritted teeth holding back both tears and anger.

"Yeah of course we can. Are you alright Sophie?" Luke asked me before giving me a hug.

"It's fine. I will get over it"

"Come on let's get you home" Freya smiled at me while still holding Belle who was softly snoring.

We made it back to their house and I settled in the spare room with Belle snoozing next to me. 

Freya’s POV.

I awoke the next morning snuggled up in Luke's arms. He was already awake and staring over at me smiling. He was gently playing with my hair.

“Morning baby” He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.

“Morning Luke” I smiled sleepily. I stretched before making my way out of bed.

“No what are you doing? Come back” Luke cried out reaching out his arms and making grabbing motions.

“Luke no, I have to go and get ready. I want to get Jessica and Ashton something” I smiled over him.  He just nodded and smiled sleepily. I could tell he was just going to go back to sleep. I got washed and ready for the day in some jeans and an All Time Low tshirt. I walked past the spare room before I left and noticed both Belle and Sophie sleeping peacefully. It made my heart ache, I definitely wanted a child with Luke one day.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a quick cereal bar before driving off into town. I didn’t really want to get any baby clothes or toys due to Jessica still only being in the first trimester. So I decided instead to get a pregnancy book to help. I made my way to the bookstore looking round and reading blurbs of different pregnancy books.

I decided on the classic book “What to expect when you’re expecting” and a couple other little books that sounded helpful. Deciding to make it more gift like I bought a little gift bag and a little bow.

I finished off in town and decided that i might aswell make my way to their house straight away. After parking up at the curb outside theirs I ran up to the door happily. I knocked to see Ash’s smiling face on the other side of the door.

“Freya” He smiled pulling me into a hug.

“Hiya Ashton. Congrats again about the pregnancy! Another little baby”

“Yeah its going to be perfect. So what are you doing here Freya?”

“Well I decided to get a little gift for you and Jessica as a congratulations” I smiled at him holding up the gift. “But do you mind if I go give it to Jess? I mean we aren’t exactly very close but I realised that we probably should try get a bit closer.”

“Freya that would be awesome! She is in the bedroom, just go straight through” He smiled. I started to walk through the house making my way to the bedroom. I was about to knock when I heard Jess talking on the other side. She must of been on the phone.

“Daniel he has no idea at all! He is such an idiot.” She stopped talking for a bit. What on earth was she on about? “Yeah he doesn’t know about me cheating. He doesn't know how I’m not pregnant. Oh he is such an idiot” I couldn’t take any more and ran straight back to Ash.

“She’s on the phone. I didn’t want to bother her. So here I better go”  I didn’t even wait for a reply and ran away quickly. That bitch! How could she do that to Ash. I needed to speak to Sophie quickly. I should of believed her the night before. I walked into the lounge to see Luke playing with Belle while Sophie was sat down drinking a coffee. “Sophie, dining room, now” I blurted out.

She was surprised but jumped off the couch and we both went into the dining room. “What's up Freya?” She asked as we both sat down.

“I believe you. All that you said last night I really believe you” I blurted out.

“What do you mean? What did I tell you last night? I really can’t remember a thing about last night” She replied looking a little ashamed.

“God how much did you drink?” I laughed “Well you told me about that cheating bitch Jessica”

“Oh shit! Well at least someone else knows now about that whore”

“Oh it gets worse. I went round to congratulate them on the pregnancy. I heard Jess on the phone. She must of been speaking to the guy she is sleeping with. Apparently she is not even pregnant.”  Sophies jaw dropped.

“What?” She almost screamed. “That…that ergh! I swear she can’t hurt Ash. She can’t. His heart will break” She cried out. God she really did have feelings for him.

“Don’t worry we will stop this. We will tell Ash.” I told her.

“He won’t believe us! I told him last night about the cheating. He didn’t believe me. He just thought it was because I was jealous” She sighed a small tear running down her cheek.

“Oh don’t worry we will get proof. We will just come up with a plan!”

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