chapter thirteen

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Chapter 13

Sophie’s Pov

4 weeks later

The next few weeks went by quickly. I had moved out of Ceara’s house now and was in my own tiny little flat with Belle.I didn’t want to move out of her house as it was awesome living with  your best friend. But I didn’t want to hassle her but also because I once walked into her and Mikey having sex. Yeah that was a little bit of a decider.I was also working now at a small store in town. It wasn’t exactly a huge job but it was money coming in. Plus Ceara was helping me set up a youtube channel where I was going to vlog since her’s was going so well.  I was still keeping the secret. I couldn’t bare tell anyway, I was just way too scared to do anything about it. Stupid, I know!

It was currently Saturday and I had the day off work. “You ready to go Belle?” I asked, we were going to spend the day at the park.

“Yes Mummy” She replied skipping over to the door. As we made our way down to the main reception of the apartment building. Before we left for the park I quickly ran over to where our post box was. Looking inside I saw one letter inside, it was an invitation for a party that night. A party for Ashton and Jessica. My first thought was crap! I couldn’t stand being in the same room as Jessica after seeing her cheating. I barely saw her since then. “Mummy what's that?”

“Well Daddy has invited us round his house tonight. Are you ready to see your aunties, uncles and probably Nanny too?” I asked her as we began to make our way out. Earlier this month Ashton introduced Belle to Lauren, Harry and Ann. It was safe to say they got on very well.

We got to the park and Belle ran straight to the swings. I helped her up into the younger children swing and began to push. Her giggles filled the air as she wanted to go higher and higher. Moments like this made me love having a beautiful little girl. Yes it was difficult. Yes it was tiring. And yes it may all have come from one drunken night but she would never be classed as a mistake. We spent the most of the day in the park, allowing Belle to run from the slide to the monkey bars. I loved hearing her have fun.

When we got home we had a quick dinner before getting ready for Ashton’s and Jessica’s party. I dressed Belle in a floaty purple dress that she loved while I was in some nice jeans, a leather jacket and a fancy vest. “Look at you, you are like a little Disney Princess” I told her making her smile. We then sat down and quickly ate some pasta before walking round to the party.

As we walked through the door you could hear music softly playing. As I walked through into the lounge you could see the patio doors open wide to see everyone outside. Kids were playing, some were dancing while others were just sat around chatting. I saw Ann talking to Lauren while Harry was running round playing. “Mummy, Mummy look” She pointed over to Ann and Lauren.

“You can go play honey” I told her. She quickly dropped my hand and skipped over to them giving them hugs. Ann looked up and I waved over at her before I noticed that they started to play.

Over where people were dancing I could see Ash and Jessica getting all close. God it was going to be a very long night. I then spotted the rest of the group sitting at a table so I decided to join them. I sat down in the spare seat with a sigh.

“You alright Soph?” Calum asked while Ceara handed me a drink

“Yeah I guess.” I shrugged but they all knew how I felt. “And thanks for the drink, I really need it. Just please don’t let me drink too much. I need to make sure Belle is okay”

“Don’t be silly. Luke and I will look after her. Have a night off from being a mum” Freya told me with a smile.

“Yeah Belle and I are besties. It would be awesome looking after her. Then you can even come back to ours for the night. Make sure you two are alright.” Luke added.

“You guys are awesome”

“Sophie don’t say that, they will just get cocky” Michael laughed while holding Ceara’s hand.

One too many drinks later

It was safe to say I was drunk, God my head was going to feel like hell tomorrow but right now I couldn’t care less. I hated seeing Ashton and Jessica kissing all the time. She didn’t deserve him. Sipping the rest of my drink I decided to go and see my friends. First deciding to go see Ceara and Mikey.

“Sup guys” I giggled.

“Fuck you are drunk aren’t you?” Ceara asked me.

“Pst nooooo” Smiling I drunk down the rest of the liquid. “So how is the cliffoconda? You seemed to enjoy it when I was living with you”

“Wait what?” Michael asked shocked.

“Don’t seem surprised. I know you like the frick frack”

“Okay now Sophie why don’t you lay off the drinks” Ceara began to look around until she spotted Freya, Luke and Calum. “Now you go off to the sober ones, they can help you. Walking over to them” I saw my beautiful Belle sleeping in Freya’s arms.

“Lukey, Freyakins, Cally” I smiled and joined them.

“How much have you had?” Luke asked.

“About this much” I said while indicating with my hands.

“Because that totally makes sense” Calum laughed.

I ran my fingers over Calum’s face. “Shhhh, don’t speak. You are just sad you missed out on this.” I now looked over at Luke. “So Luke you ready to propose?” Calum pushed me gently trying to get me to shut up. Luke was now making hand movements, crossing his arms to make an X. “Why you on about the X Factor boy?”

“Wait Luke is going to propose?” Freya asked shocked.

“No not propose as in marriage, but propose you go get chinese food” I rambled on with Luke and Calum nodding to agree.

“Erm okay then” She replied before we quickly changed the subject. I noticed that Marina and the Diamonds were now playing with the song being “How to be a Heartbreaker”

“Oh my God I love this song” Jessica shouted before pulling Ashton so they could dance together.

“Oh this is rich, this is very rich” I muttered.

“What are you going on about?” Freya whispered as the boys started talking about music.

“That bitch is cheating on Ash”

“Come on Sophie that is just the alcohol speaking.”

“No it is not! I saw it. She was kissing some over guy in the middle of a starbucks”

“Okay if you say so, but I will believe it when I see it”. The music was then stopped.

“Hey guys we have an announcement” Ash shouted out excitedly. “We are having a baby!”

“And that means we will be getting married even sooner” Jess squealed. I groaned but no one heard me. Everyone was now gushing over the couple yet I knew it was all a lie. But why would anyone believe me? The girl who was in love with Ashton? Who showed up after two years with a child.

“I got to be by myself for a bit” I told Freya while walking into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water, drinking the refreshing liquid back in large gulps. I was really focusing but heard someone's footsteps on the floor. Looking up I saw a smiling Ashton. “Hey”

“Hi, are you okay?” He asked me.

“Oh I’m perfect! Really fucking perfect”

“You don’t sound it” He was now standing right in front of me. “You might not like Jess and I being together and having a baby. But for Christ sakes you have to go accept it”

I groaned. “I can’t just accept it Ash!”

“Andy why is that?” He asked.


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