Chapter Eleven: The Adjustment

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ELEVEN: The Adjustment

It was weird having Jake around. He had joined in on various jokes that were told and conversations, not really getting the punch line or the point of anything they were saying. He always gave them weird looks and just thought they were plain crazy. But some of them, in Jakes view, were pretty cool. Like Tabitha, funny, hot and smart. Not that he cared about them being smart or funny. For him it was mostly about looks not potential. But, most of the people in the group hated him. They had good reason for it. Tabitha Jones approached him, gestured to a seat, obviously noticing how awkward he felt and started talking to him. “So… uh… this might sound rude but you clearly don’t fit in with us. There aren’t only two groups in the school you know?”

“Okay…” Jake said awkwardly, not knowing his place.

“I mean, you have done so much stuff to everybody in the group… none of them will every like you. No offence. Look around… there is Augustus Sparrowman over there who hangs out with a quite large group- Most of them boys-  who like football and stuff that I know you will like. There are also Jack Verbaton’s group who like… Soccer and Hockey. There are lots of opportunities. I don’t think this group is your… true place. Or you could patch things up with your old group and saunter away and live life normally as a bully who picks on us, beats on us and make us feel like crap.” Tabitha explained.

“I understand. Good bye.” He walked away.

“Well,” Darcy smiled, “That takes care of…” he stopped as he looked at the girl walking towards them.

“Caitlin!” laughed Tabitha, but then her expression turned sour, “Where have you been? They put out fliers, everyone was upset, and Castielle wouldn’t talk. We were all extremely worried! They found a knife on your bed with…” he face melted into a sad frown, “blood. They found blood. What happened? Was someone else there? Or did you…?” she straightened her palm and rubbed it back and forth on her upper calf imitating a knife-cutting motion. Caitlin looked at her, obviously upset by the onslaught of questions and sat down wordlessly. Tabitha new what had happened. She sat down next to Caitlin, gave her a hug and whispered something in Caitlin’s ear and Caitlin nodded. Tabitha gave a shocked expression and said, “Why?” she asked but Caitlin shook her head side to side. Everyone was silent for a while. Darcy looked at Caitlin, confused and just walked over to her, shook her hand but Caitlin pulled him in for a big hug. They both smiled.

Daelyn looked upon Jake as he sauntered towards her with her eyes like a hawks and her mouth bent into a cocky grin.

“Come to beg of my forgiveness?” she asked with a mock accent.

“Actually… yes. I beg of your forgiveness. Can I come back to hang with you guys?” he asked.

“Hm. Let me sleep on it. Kidding! Sure… I will see how it goes down in Sage and Parish town.” She accepted. Jake smiled.

“Wait… on one condition: Go punch Tabitha Jones. That bitch gave me a five centre metre bruise on my side that is killing me.” Daelyn bargained. Jake’s jaw dropped.

“You want me to punch… a girl?”

“Yes. I do. Do you want to be back in the group?” she insisted.

“Well yes but,-“

“Well go and punch her.” Daelyn interrupted.

Jake walked away considering the odds. Would he go that far for friendship?  Maybe. He continued on walking, not knowing what to do.

Darcy and Caitlin were walking alone down the hall after school. They were alone, no one else inhabiting the school. Darcy looked around, checking for others. “Did you do it?” he  asked.

“Do what?” Caitlin question slowly, expecting the worst from the question.

“The knife… the blood… did you cut yourself?” he replied.

“Yeah.” She said quietly.

“Where? Why?” he continued.

“My thigh. I thought I had… failed you. I didn’t want to have to deal with the grief I thought you guys would give me. It’s the same reason for why I ran away from home.”

“Wow. I hope you’re okay. Witch obviously you’re not. Is there anything I can do to help?” He offered.

“Yeah. Darcy, I love you.” Caitlin burst out.

“Oh. Okay. I love you too?” Darcy said, confused.

“What? You don’t like me?” Caitlin said.

“Yeah.” Darcy said.

“Wait is that a ‘Yeah I don’t like you’ or a ‘Yeah I like you’?”

“Yeah.” Darcy repeated.

“Witch one? First or second?” Caitlin replied.

“First. Sorry. I like Tabitha.” Darcy said.

“Oh. I was misinformed.” She said slowly.

“Who told you that?” Darcy asked.

“Told me what?”

“That I like you.” Darcy answered.

“Jasmine.” Caitlin answered.

“Oh. I know one person who likes you and that’s it.”

“Who?” Caitlin wondered.


“Really?” she asked.

“Yeah. Really.” Darcy explained.

“Wow. Do you think he knows I like you?” she said, fumbling her hands through nervousness.

“Probably not. Although I don’t think he will act on it. He is very nervous when it comes to girls.” Spoke Darcy.

Tabitha also roamed the school aimlessly. She was by herself, walking alone, looking for Caitlin. They needed to talk about the… cut. She walked around, looking in every room, every slim walkway or corridor. She saw Caitlin and Darcy up ahead. She was about to say “Wait up” when a fist caught her in the jaw and she was knocked flat. Jake Hillmans stood over her. Tabitha immediately started weeping. That fist had hit her hard and now she was all most full-blown crying. “Sorry,” He whispered as he bent down to her level then raised back up and sprinted away. Darcy turned around and saw Tabitha on the ground weeping. Caitlin also swirled around to see her on the ground. Darcy’s face went solid with sorrow for her.

“What happened?” he asked, running towards her to pick her up. She tried to speak but her Jaw was bruised. She could only say one word. “Jake,” she struggled. Darcy’s look of sorrow transformed into an angry torrent of hate at the thought of him even touching Tabitha, but hitting her? He was dead. He would find Jonathan and they would take him down tomorrow. “I’m going to get him!” yelled Darcy as he helped Tabitha to her feet. Her jaw was already swelling. She had stopped weeping mostly. Caitlin stood there with a look on her face aimed at Darcy that seemed to be flooded with admiration. Then as soon as Caitlin noticed Tabitha  seeing the look on her face it stopped and it turned to the look of sorrow Darcy had been modelling earlier. “Tabitha,” he promised, “I will get Jake for this. Me and Jonathan you watch us. He will pay for this. Whatever would make him hit you?”

“Yeah. Maybe it’s what Tabitha said to him when she  told him to leave the group.” Caitlin tried.

“Well… if that’s true then he is just fighting against what’s good for himself,” said Darcy speaking again, “either way, he is going to pay.”

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