Tall-A's First Show

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So I decided to give you guys an idea on how Tall-A is. I modified him a bit too. Instead of being 11'10. He is now 12'0. I might as well lol. Basically twelve feet anyway. Take a look at Thomas compared to Tall-A. Thomas is 5'11 by the way. You have no idea how long it took me to actually find a accurate chart. Most charts had... Very nasty measuring. One guy was 5'11 and another was 7'10 and somehow... The guy who was 5'11 was by the shoulder of the 7'10 guy... Does that even add up?

My brother died...

I did not get the chance to see Tall-A. Turns out, by the time we got there. He was already gone. News has it that he'll be at a circus tonight and I along with my parents are going to see it. Not for our enjoyment of course, to get him out of there. He doesn't belong in a circus to be watched by other people. At least back at home he had some freedom. I didn't bother him that much and he could do whatever he wanted.

"Are we almost there? Come on we got to get to him."

"Relax Thomas." My mother cooed. "Were about to pull up. How exactly do you plan to take him back? Not like he can fit in the car." Oh mother, sometimes I wonder.

She doesn't know my dad had rented the largest of UHAUL trucks. Sure Tall-A wouldn't could not stand in the truck, but I'm positive he'll be able to sit in the back of the truck. I'm not sure how much he weighs. He's a pretty big guy to be honest. I would say he weighs about one ton. Nothing a UHAUL truck couldn't handle.

We soon pulled up to the circus, this is where he's suppose to be performing tonight. I can see how this will play out. Tall-A is not gonna immediately start doing handstands or anything. He doesn't know how to. What are they really gonna expect from him? Besides him just casually looking at the crowd.

Mom and I received are tickets and quickly walked to our seats. Luckily for us, we were the last before being sold out. The circus was literally filled, I'm talking about filled! Hundreds of people.

In our seats I looked down at the small illuminated circle. No one was there, just the lights moving around.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we will be preparing the show shortly." A voice said.

Ten minutes later the lights would dim down. Only the circle was the brightest source in the circus.

"Now ladies and gentlemen. Today we made a GIANT discovery. And I mean that quite literally too. Now we don't have a seven footer or even an eight footer. No.... We have someone who would make even the tallest man to ever exist look like a pipsqueak. Are you guys ready to see him?!" The voice suddenly yelled. The crowd roared in screams and claps. I just rolled my eyes.

The Boy and The Giant (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now