Angel Eyes

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In California, life is based on drama. It's a whirlpool of fakeness, and no one can escape untouched. Everything thrives on it; and in a high schooler's life, everything is their social life.

Originally, we were placed in clique's ultimately on how well we looked/dressed and how much money our parent's made. My brother and I were fortunate to have a father who was a top lawyer, and a mother who was already fairly wealthy before meeting our father, in addition to both of us being blessed to have incredibly good looks, or atleast that's what our friends said. 

In high school, I was supposedly part of the "popular group", with my best friends Melissa, Bev and Emily. Then there were "the boys", who was my older brother Matt and his friends: Jason, Henry,  and Will, then there was the guys who we were also friends with but the guys weren't as close with: Ryder, Nick and Eric.

I wasn't a typical California barbie, as many people liked to call us. Sure, I had the blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin, but I was nowhere near stupid. 

When I got my full scholarship to University of Texas at Austin, I'm pretty sure my whole family cried. Matt, who was a year older, went to UCSB and was studying law to be like my father. I, on the other hand, wanted to be a surgeon, and would be studying medicine.

My name is Calysta Richards, and this is the story of when I left my surfboard for a pair of cowboy boots. 

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