Ch 4: Breaking New Ground

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A week later:

Calysta's POV

Classes were finally going to start tomorrow, as we were finally finishing up Rush, and it was a no brainer basically that Laura and I were in Zeta finally. On bid day, Charlie, Marie, Lily and Sarah had found us and hugged us so tightly I thought we were going to burst.

In the process we actually made another friend, a girl named Jessica who was just the sweetest girl too. Luckily, she got a bid from Zeta as well, and we were basically the terrible trio.

Andrew and Mike have been talking and texting to both Laura and I ever since the party, but we havent' been able to hang out because of rush.

By the time Laura and I had gotten back to our rooms after bid day, I was going to collapse on my bed. We weren't allowed our phones all day, so automatically we checked our phones and saw a billion messages and posts.

"Hey mom!" I answered my phone when it rang.

"Hi sweetie!! So what happened??" She asked anxiously.

"Well I'm a ZETAA BABY with Laura!!" I said excitedly, well as excitedly as I could for 11pm and being up since 5 am .

"CONGRATULATIONS DARLING! I am so proud of you! Now I know you must be dead so call me tomorrow telling me everything. I love you!" She said, before we both hung up.

"You and your mom are precious" Laura commented, as she was texting. I laughed.

"So are you and yours. Heidi is hysterical" I said, and she laughed as well.

Sooo how'd it go? :) - Andrew

I'm officially a Zeta baby :) - Calysta

Lol you already were 1, now it's just "official" but congrats! :) - Andrew

Oh shut up, and thanks :) I'm dead tired so i'm gonna go to sleep - Calysta

Okay sleepy baby :) I'll text you tomorrow - Andrew

And with that I went to sleep.

It was Sunday, and Andrew had texted me early, as well as Charlie, that there was a day drinking party at kappa sig and it was like Kentucky derby themed. It was a welcome party for all the new babies and pledges.  

Laura and I matched in Lily Pulitzer dresses and jack Rogers sandals, with bows in our hair.

"Stop it. You two look perfect! Ahh I could eat you right up! And I might be stealing that dress calysta" Charlie said when we met her there. We hugged and smiled.

"hey glad to see you made it!" andrew said, as he and mike saw us after a while of greeting people. I smiled, as he gave me a hug, spinning me around a bit.  

"How could we not? I mean, free liquor and an excuse to dress up? Suits me!" I joked as we all laughed. The guys led us to the drunk table, and got us some nice drinks.

"Oh that's so cruel!" I said, as Andrew told me of some of the stuff the pledges had to do on the night of their bid. Just Andrew and I were now talking off to the side, away from the huge group of people. It was nice talking to him alone, I admit.  

"Compared to what I did last year, they got it easy. We had to finish whatever handle they duct taped to our hands, then take some more shots before playing that stupid spin your head on a baseball bat game. That was awful" he said, and I was shocked, but could actually see it. 

" how in the world did you not wind up dead or in a hospital bed?" I asked, and he let out a heartily laugh. 

"Someone almost did, but me, nah. I'm a strong man, I can take it" Andrew said, puffing out his chest a bit. 

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