Ch 2: New Beginnings

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Calysta's POV

I waited for the luggage to come off of the carousel, and sipped on my dark Starbucks coffee. I was wearing a black cotten maxi dress, I really did love them, a pair of sandals, denim jean jacket, with my hair up in a messy bun and classic black wafer Ray Bans covering my eyes. I was still pretty tired, but I never really gotten hangovers before so I was fine besides the tiredness. 

Last night was crazy, but great. After everyone finished making out basically, we played some more drunk games as groups, watched a movie, and then just talked. 

I had to convince Ryder a few more times that we were over. He just couldn't understand, and his words "why (I) would be leaving someone as amazing as (him) for some hick cowboys". Oh boy, would he never get it through his thick head?

hey I landed! - Calysta

Good! Text me when you get to the dorms and such! Xoxo -Mom

I picked up my duffels, and found the guy holding a sign with my name on it. He was wearing the burnt orange and white Texas Longhorns tshirt and a pair of khakis. 

"Howdy Miss Richards. How was your flight?" he asked, as he took my duffels easily, and we headed to his car.

"Good, thanks" I replied, as I stepped out of the airport, which was pretty well air conditioned seeing as the outside air was extreme hot. I let out a deep breath, as we finally got to the car.

By the time we got to campus, there was only some fields I could see, but a lot of highways. It reminded me slightly of San Diego and other parts of California.

The guy dropped me off at my dorm, and I carried my duffels to my room. I was on the fourth floor, and luckily there were elevators so it wasn't such a long shlep up the stairs. I walked down the halls to get to room 402. Outside the door, there were two little cute white name cards of "Calysta" and "Laura"  with Longhorn stickers decorating the door. I opened the door with my key card the university had sent in the mail a while ago, and saw a girl with long brown hair unpacking her stuff too, with I guess her parents.

"Howdy! you must be Calysta?" She said, in her southern accent and a large smile. I smiled back, as she came over.

"Yes, you must be Laura?" I asked, and she brought me into a tight hug.

"It's so nice to meet you! I hope you don't mind I took this bed" she said, as I looked around the room.

"Oh that's fine! I wanted the one by the window anyways" I said, and began bringing my stuff over to where my bed was.

"Here let me help you with that! I'm Laura's mother, but please call me Heidi" she said, as she helped me bring a bag over to my bed, and then proceeded to hug me as well. Well these people were much more friendly than the people back in Cali.

"Thanks so much" I replied.

"Where are you from?" Laura's father asked, who I learned was Bob. 

We were all sitting at a place for dinner, as they had insisted I come out with them for dinner. We were in this steak place that looked amazing.

"Newport Harbor, California" I replied, and they all looked shocked.

"Wow! That's amazing! Do you know how to surf?" Laura asked, and I nodded.

"Yea, all of my friends and I go surfing almost every weekend we didn't have sports" I replied, and they all just looked so interested and curious.

"that's amazing, you're going to have to teach me someday!" Laura said and I smiled and nodded.

"Are you trying out for cheerleading too?" Heidi asked.

"Yea, they had asked me to try out when they sent me my acceptance and scholarship" I replied.

"Oh wow, I just knew I wanted to try out as I was captain of my high school team" Laura said proudly. I smiled.

After her parents left that night, Laura and I got to know each other better. I learned she knew a bunch of people that were attending UT here, including one of her closest guy friends Steven who was in our year, and her older sister Charlie who was on the cheerleading team and in a sorority, and had her long time, from high school, boyfriend Tyler who was in a fraternity as well. They were two years older than us, but had a million connections, and promised Laura that her and whoever she wanted would be invited to any party she wanted. 

Unfortunately for us though, we had to go to bed early since practice tomorrow started at 6 am sharp, so we would have to be on the field stretching at 530 am we figured.

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