Ch 8: Planning

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Matt's POV

"What do you mean she's not coming home?" Ryder asked confused, and slightly pissed. Henry, Will, Ryder, Nick, Eric, Jason and I were all on the beach surfing, as it was the first day we were all back from break. 

"Her boyfriend's family invited her to come with them to Barbados for about two weeks. Then I think he's coming here with her a few days later after their trip, and then he's going back a week or so later, and then she's going back there after that" I explained.

"So she's really with this guy? Have you even met him?" Jason asked. I shook my head. 

"We couldn't go out for Parent's weekend, and she didn't come home for Thanksgiving. I mean, I've seen a ton of pictures of her with him and a bunch of other guys, but I didn't realize that she was serious with any of them. I haven't really talked to her since she left" I said, and the guys nodded in response, as we went to go catch the next wave.

Calysta's POV

"Ready babe?" Andrew asked, as he grabbed my duffel from me and put it in the taxi. I smiled at him, and nodded, as I sat down next to him in the taxi. The taxi was driving us to the airport, going to be taking our flight to Barbados. We would be meeting his family there, as they had gotten rooms for the family. Andrew had two little sisters, Michelle, who was a freshman in high school, and then Trinity who was just in preschool. When Andrew had told his parents that he had a girlfriend, his mother made him FaceTime so they could see me, and I met the whole family. They were all so sweet and nice, and extremely pretty as well. 

They had invited me during that first conversation to come with them to Turks and Caicos. Usually Andrew would bring one of his home friends, but he wanted me to come instead. I was shocked, but accepted it graciously. 

"Of course" I said, as I pecked his lips, and held his hand, as the cab pulled up to the airport. We got our belongings, and headed through security to our gate.

"Wow, I can't believe we're here" I said, as we got out of the airport, hailing a cab down to take us to the resort. Andrew smiled down at me and pecked my lips. 

"Anything for you" he replied, as we finally got a cab. Andrew's parents had gotten us first class seats, with a note apoligizing it wasn't their own private jet. I was shocked by this, but Andrew had shrugged it off saying it was normal of them, and we would be going back on the jet. 

We got to the hotel, and instantly were greeted by rum punches. Andrew and I took them, and clinked them together, before taking a drink. Andrew had told me that the drinking age here was 16 or 18, but either way we were both legal. A hotel guy had taken our luggage and put them on the rack, waiting for a room assignment. 

"Hello, my name is Andrew Kensington and Calysta Richards. We're checking in" he said, and the lady at the front desk looked up immediately and had put on a large smile on her face.

"Of course, Mr Kensington! Here are your keys. Your suite will be on the 8th floor, overlooking the ocean. If you need anything at all, please call the front desk and it will be brought up immediately. I hope you have a good stay here" the lady said, and we smiled, as the guy who had our luggage led us to our room. 

"Oh my gosh, this is beautiful" I said, as we were in our suite over looking the ocean. The wall facing the ocean was all glass, and there was a nice patio as well with a built in hot tub. The bathroom even had a large tub that overlooked the ocean, and there was a large bed and bar. 

"I'm glad you like it" Andrew said into my ear, as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, from behind, and we looked out at the view to the ocean.

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