Chapter 20: She has something to say.

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"How much of an information did you leak out?" James queried the man that stood in front meekly and head bowed in shame.

I watched them. Calmly and without saying a word since the conversation began right after the meeting that had been held. I hadn't left my seat.\

"Not very much. I had to. They threatened my daughter's life. I'm sorry Mr. Norman. I sincerely apologise. I shouldn't have done that." The middle-aged man finally spoke up. Remorse lacing in his words, his eyes overflowing with tears.

"Yes. That's right. You really shouldn't have. You should have spoken to us, to Mr. Norman and together, something else could have been done other than your betrayal." James added and to me, it sounded more like a recited song. A bad attempt at acting. It was way too obvious that Mr. Thakur had seek out his help in softening his case in front of me.

As silence filled the room, he sobbed, I stared and sooner than I'd expected, James faced me.

"Mr. Norman... it's certain that Jerome indeed did wrong but... he seems very apologetic and is ready to turn a new leaf. Thank God, his daughter's finally safe. What... what's your verdict?" He surrendered with his last question but I could see anticipation as well as hope within his eyes. Something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

"Jerome." I stated as I straightened my back.

"You state his name as if you're more than acquaintances." I added and watched as his eyes lowered a bit, a little guilt washing over him or perhaps, disappointment that his drama was found out faster than he'd presumed.

"Mr. Norman..."

"Here's my verdict." I interrupted whatever else he had to say and watched as both faces went pale.

There was a dramatic silence. For some reason, I enjoyed that moment, that second of silence that only confirmed how much of a power I had.

"Call the police." Instantly, I stood to my feet and walked towards the door.

"P-police!? Isn't that a bit extreme?" Mr. Thakur's question quenched my next step out of the room and I turned my head to his side.

"No. Extreme would be striping you and your family of every good thing you have. That way, you'll forever shudder at the thought of betraying ever again." Satisfied with the fear that slowly took over his being, his eyes giving that fact away, I looked away and continued on my path out of the room.

I drew in a silent and yet deep breath before stepping into the elevator.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11...

Like ticking seconds, I counted in my head, concentrating on nothing else but the numbers and only stopped once the doors opened. As I step out, slowly, I release my breath and keep making my way towards my office.

"Mr. Norman." My assistant called just as I took hold of the knob of the door into my office. She'd already gotten to her feet and made her way to me.

"I couldn't tell you earlier because of the meeting. Mrs. Norman is in your office." She reported in a low voice.

"Who?" I repeated.

"Mrs. Norman, your wife. She's being waiting for a while now in your office. I told her you didn't like anyone going into your office but she was very adamant about waiting in there..."

Not listening any further, I pushed the door open and stepped in, calmly shutting it behind me. Directly, I made my way to my desk, left the folder on it and took my seat behind the desk. Only then did I look up, to the side, on the sofa.

A broad smile played on her face as she gave a light wave. A note for me to take notice of her presence. There was no reaction on my part and in less than a minute, she stood to her feet.

"Do all cooperate meetings take so long or just yours?" She queried as her steps led her closer. She only stopped when she was in front of my desk. Arms folded across her chest, she stared back at me in silence, a strange grin played by the corner of her mouth.

The silence lasted a little longer. Strange tension hung in the air.

"Aren't you going to ask why I'm here?" She was first to break the silence. The look in her eyes gave away her desperation for a reaction on my part. Funny.

I lowered my eyes away from hers, deciding to return to work.

"Fine. Don't ask and I won't tell." She added and there were steps and only when she took her seat back on the sofa did I take a glance at her.

Her arms remained folded across her chest, her gaze anywhere else but on me. She seemed furious and it only seemed more pathetic as she tries so hard to hide that fact.

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