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Hi guys!

How have you been holding up? Yes, the past year had been hectic and hopefully, this year will be different.

So, I know I might not reply to most comments but I do read most of it and some made me smile, some made me laugh and some made me think.


Yes, I rewrote the book basically because I didn't want someone reading and going oh well she has a good plot, it's captivating but her English, structure... ehn, we can manage though. (still not a grammar guru though).

I wrote DFH in 2015, when I didn't really believe anyone would care much to read my book. I mean there are so many great books on wattpad. Fast forward to 2020, I became a Wattpad star( still don't know how that happened but I'm grateful) so, yes, I felt the need to upgrade and I still keep working on being a better version of myself. I know... I know a few old readers wish they could get back certain scenes or the entire old version but I'm sorry, I can't.

Nonetheless, GOOD NEWS! I've decided to upload two extra bonus chapters but the best part is, I want to do it with you so... are you listening?

COMMENT! Use the comment section below and tell me what you would like to know, see or even a scene from the old version that you would like revived.

How would you prefer DFH was wrapped up? What are your confusions, uncertainties? What is it that you would like to read that would make you feel, yes, okay, I understand now?

Warning: Beware, the author is aware of the fact that not all humans desire can be satisfied and therefore the reader should not envision the author creating the perfect story.

😊But I'll try so COMMENT!

When I've seen and heard enough, I'll begin writing and soon, I'll convey they release date to you guys.

😘 Love, Mercy.

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