Chapter 22: The glue effect.

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In front of his car, right outside the building, he pushed my hand away from his arm, finally creating a space in between us. 

"Are you deaf? I told you never to lay a hand on me ever again." His words came through a bit filled with emotions than usual. He was the type to remain cool headed no matter what situation he was in. I must've really pissed him off.

A broader smile played on my face and it probably only vexed him more.

"You do have emotions after all. Great, forcing you to give in isn't going to be a big of a deal as I'd presumed." I concluded, a bit proud of myself for bringing my idea into action without hesitation.

A light slap on his arm, "Come on, you're going to be late for your appointment." Having said that, I opened the door and slid onto the backseat.

I made myself comfortable and waited for his entrance but he didn't show. It made me worry if he'd already walked away. That would flop my entire plan. I leaned closer to the door, about to pop my head out when he suddenly drew in and I was quick to return to my former position.

Once he slammed the door shut and looked my side, I flashed him a warm smile. His eyes only reflected coldness. I didn't feel affected. I guess I'm getting accustomed to his coldness.

He was first to look away and thereafter, I did and stared out through the window.

"Mr. Norman." A little chubby middle-aged man called out in warmness and respect as he approached us on entrance into the mall. A slim lady followed closely behind him and something about her movement and humility gave away that she might actually work for the man. Perhaps, his assistant.

"Welcome." He greeted humbly in a light chuckle as he stretched out his hand to Blayze for a handshake. Blayze took one look at his hand and rolled his eyes away without accepting the handshake.

How rude.

The man, a bit embarrassed, withdrew his hand and tried hard to maintain his smile for his boss.

"You didn't call. I would have set up a proper welcome for you..."

"Are you saying I have to let you know every time I walk into my building?" Blayze questioned in all seriousness that the man's smile slowly faded but he was quick to retain it.

"No, that's not..."

"I came to observe. I didn't need to announce my presence." He coldly added as he walked forward and we were forced to follow beside him.

After a while of silence, I realized my husband wasn't going to introduce me. In fact, it would seem I didn't exist at the moment so I stretched out my hand, past him, forcing him to halt on his steps.

"Caden Car... I mean Norman. I'm his wife." I introduced with a warm smile.

"Kennedy Nathaniel. I'm the manager here. Nice to meet you Mrs. Norman." He introduced as well with a nice smile on his part as he accepted the handshake.

"This is Mavis, my assistant." He introduced the woman as well and she smiled humbly. I did the same and only then did I look up to Blayze. His glare was hard and a light frown rested between his brows.

Clearly, he was irritated but I couldn't care. After all, that's exactly what I'm here for so I flashed him a broader smile and he looked away, moving on without saying a word. We followed after him.

It wasn't clear to me what Blayze was after or what exactly he aimed to achieve by touring the large mall but I was in a way, having fun. Window shopping and glancing at the various activities of people. This was better than being cooped up in the house.

At this time, Blayze had dismissed the manager, saying he didn't need his company, anything he has to say would be later communicated to him. That only left an anxious expression on the manager's face as he left.

At times, he would stop and just stare, I wondered what he seemed so interested in but each time I'm about to get a closer look, he moves on. The delicious aromas and savory food on display got to me. My stomach growled and I knew I was hungry. I took a look at Blayze and doubted he felt the same way as I did.

"Aren't you hungry? It's almost lunchtime. We should eat." I suggested while walking alongside and waited for a reply from him but got nothing in reply. My stomach growled once more and I took hold of his arm in mine much to his surprise as he halted, staring at me with slightly widened eyes.

"Let's eat something." I stated as I dragged him along without waiting for his permission.

Suddenly, he stood his ground, halting and snatched his arm away from my hold.

"I don't want to and can you just stop touching me." He rejected, a little annoyance in his tone.

'Alright, fine. I won't... for the meantime but I must eat something."

"Go yourself." He uttered before moving forward. I couldn't help but lightly bite my lower lip as I watched him go on without looking back even once.

I can't leave Blayze's side yet. That will only ruin the entire plan. I might never catch up to him again. Any way possible, I just have to make sure he sticks to my side all day, only then can I ruin his perfect day.

"Blayze." I called before hastening my steps to catch up with his long strides.

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