demon equals rougher?

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Natsu sighed and placed his magazine on the coffee table. Today was a long day and Gray should be arriving back in Magnolia by midnight. Natsu glanced to his side, at the clock and groaned. He still had about 4 more hours to kill, but he was tired.

He jumped off the couch and leaped onto his bed, myabe a little sleep would help his boredom.


Natsu moaned softly, sitting up on his bed, and was met with a shirtless gray. Natsu got up and touched Grays arm, the devil slayer marking clearly showing. Gray stared at the ground. He knew Natsu didn't like the markings, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Gray kissed natsu softly, earning a soft small moan from the latter. The two flopped onto the bed, keeping their lips connected. Natsu moaned as Gray began to stroke Natsu's inner thigh. "mmgh~"

Gray's tounge gently brushed over Natsu's soft lips, asking for entrance, which was happily given.



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