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I step out of my apartment complex building and into the cold winter air. I zip up my hoodie all the way as I make my way to my car. Once I get in, I immediately turn on the heat and try making my hands warm with my hot breath. I check the time and it's only 7:30 AM. Perfect. My first patient today will be coming in at 9:00. There's one thing I hate about being a ultrasound technician, and that is in fact the scrubs I am ordered to wear. Luckily, I'm allowed to wear whatever colors and designs, just as long as they are those uncomfortable scrubs. Today I'm wearing hot pink with a black long sleeved shirt under it.

I pull out of the parking lot of the apartments and drive onto the busy streets filled with people trying to get to work. I turn on the radio and the first song I hear is I'll Be by Edwin McCaine. Of course, HE, crosses my mind, but I fancy this song so I decide to keep it on. I tap my fingers on my steering wheel to the slow beat and mumble the lyrics.

So here is what has happened in the past three years.

Have I talked to Marcel in the past three years? You bet your ass I did. I missed him more than anything. We'd text, and we would mention how stupid it was for us to go out. I didn't exactly agree, but that's what he felt. Though he did only tell me about twice that he will always love me no matter what and that I will always be the first girl he ever did love. I haven't necessarily spoken to him in the past three years to be honest. I talked to him over two years ago. He kept telling me that we couldn't be together, and I gave up. Which led to us not talking anymore. But in the past three years, I've been single, and in college. I am now an ultrasound technician because I love things that have to deal with babies although that's not all it has to do with. Much more than just pregnancy. I'm 21, and yet I still don't have a boyfriend. I want one so badly just so I can have a baby of my own and someone to love me.

I pull into the parking lot of Franklin Square Hospital and shut off my car. I grab my keys, purse and phone before getting out of the car and making my way to the front entrance. I stop at my usual stop in the building which is the cafe to grab a hot chocolate.

"Hi Mrs.Adaley." I smile at the elderly woman sitting at the front desk of the office. She looks up and smiles, "Oh, good morning Riley. How are you today, dear?" She asks just as I place the coffee I ordered for her on the desk. "I'm pretty good actually. Just cold. It's ridiculous out there." I point to the window, signaling to the weather and she nods.

"I know how you feel. Thank you for the coffee." She smiles. I nod and scurry off to my patient room to set things up. I set my hot chocolate on the counter in the room and take my hoodie off, placing it over the back of my chair. I throw my hair into my usual messy bun and begin to set up.


I'm finished setting up and I start doing paper work just as the door opens.

"Ms.Bale, patient-" she looks down at her clipboard. "Styles is here for her appointment." My receptionist looks up and makes sure if it's ok to allow her to come in. I slightly nod and rush over to the purple latex gloves. My heart is racing and I feel like throwing up. Styles? That could be anyone, really. I hear the door close and I refuse to turn around.

"Um, if you could just lay down and we'll get started. I'll need you to pull your shirt over your stomach." I say nervously. I take a deep breath and let it out before turning around, my eyes instantly meeting those emerald green ones. I stood silently for a few seconds before blinking and looking at the girl laying on the table. "Riley?" He stands up, shocked written all over his face. He's different. His hair is curly, tattoos, muscular more than before. The only thing that hasn't necessarily changed is those big bulky glasses. I don't respond, instead I look at the girl. I smile and sit on the chair beside her.

"Hi, I'm Riley. I've been told that I'm your new doctor due to the fact that you changed offices?" I ask, picking up the small bottle of clear gel. She nods.

"Yes, that's correct." A smile is plastered to her face. "I am five months pregnant today, and I'm supposed to be finding out the sex of my baby." She assures me before I could even ask. I smile and squirt the gel over her medium sized baby bump and pick up the ultrasound sensor. "Let me know if anything hurts when I slide the sensor over your stomach." I say, avoiding eye contact with her or Marcel. It's scary knowing that he is sitting across from me right now. The worst part is.. This is probably his wife.

"Ok, this is the baby's head," I point to the black and white screen. "There's it's feet.. And, we now have the sex of your baby Mrs.Styles. You will be having a little girl." I smile, simply just trying to hold back tears.

No Riley. Don't cry over this idiot boy. He left you. You can do better than him.- I say to myself.

No you can't. - my subconscious adds.

"That's absolutely amazing, really." Marcel speaks and I nod. The young girl is crying tears of joy and I can't help but smile. I continue to run the ultrasound sensor around her belly to check up on the baby.

"Her heartbeat is healthy. Very healthy." I mumble and continue to watch the screen. "Now, I am going to take a picture of your cervix then we are all done here." I smile and press a few buttons to take two pictures. I pick up the cloth beside me and wipe the sensor off then her stomach. Afterwards, I take my gloves off and toss them into the trash.

As I hand over her sonogram pictures, I take a really good and long look at her. She looks so familiar.

"Ashley." Her name blurts out of my mouth as Marcel is helping her stand up. She turns her head and smiles. "I didn't even recognize you." I chuckle and she does also.

"Well I recognized you, and obviously so did Marcel, but he already said something." She picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder. "Wait, how old are you?" I walk over to my desk. "Um.. I'm only 19. Marcel was just bringing me to my appointment today because my boyfriend is at work. I'm glad I brought him though. Maybe the two of you can catch up." She smiles before walking out of the room and saying that she's waiting in the car. Marcel stood in front of my desk staring at me, but I don't stare back.

"How have you been, Ri?" He leans against the wall. I pick up a pen and start writing random things down.

"Eh, I've been." I mumble. "You?" I finally look up to meet his gaze. He shrugs his shoulders and looks around. "I've been ok. Not too bad."

I smile and stare at my hands. "You look really different." I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Really? I don't usually wear my glasses. I had to today though because I lost my contacts and I have to buy more." He says. I nod and sit there quietly.

Seconds of silence past and I grow annoyed. "Can we sort of, y'know.. Stop acting like nothing happened? It just makes it even more awkward." I laugh nervously. He pushes himself off the wall and nods. "You know, I'd sort of like to talk to you about what happened three years ago. I just want to talk and possibly be friends. Nothing more, nothing less." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. "Put your number in my phone, I'll call you later." He says, handing his phone to me. I place it on my desk and slide it in his direction slowly.

"You know Marcel, I don't know if I want to talk about it. We had plenty of chances to those times we talked after the breakup." I assure him.

"Riley just do it, please?" He pushes his phone back. I let out a sigh before clicking the circle button on his iPhone to witness a picture of him and some blonde as his background. I ignore it and unlock his phone, quickly putting my number in and handing it back to him.

"Now please leave. I have more patients." I laugh and stand up. He chuckles before walking out of the room. As I'm cleaning up, he comes back.

"Bye Riley." He smiles cheekily. I roll my eyes and smirk, "Goodbye Marcel."

And with that he leaves.

Marcel; SequelWhere stories live. Discover now