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This morning, I woke up alone of course since Marcel had work. I peak out the window and it's very sunny and beautiful out. I finally realize that I'm not in mine and Harry's room so I quickly make my way to it. When I check the time, it's only 10:42. So I have time to take a shower and get ready. My appointment is at 1 in the afternoon and I've never been so excited but yet nervous for this. It still hasn't hit me that Marcel and I are going to have a baby together. It's crazy to think that the nerd that got bullied in high school and the 'hottest' girl in school were going to eventually end up getting engaged and would be expecting a baby. I wouldn't want to go through any of this with anyone but Marcel. Sure, he can be grumpy and mean at times, but he apologizes and says things to make me feel like a princess. That's right, I am his princess. He is my prince. We decided that we wanted the wedding to be in October which is only a little after the baby would be born. I have to admit, I'm pretty happy that I'm due in September. The weather will start getting a bit chillier and I think it's the perfect time to have a baby.

After getting a shower and drying off, I get dressed into a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that was snug around my bump. I dry my hair as quickly as possible before throwing it into a messy bun and putting powder cover up on my face. I walk to my bedroom and look through my shoes. I'm tired of wearing converse and vans all the time. I have a few pair of flip flops that I haven't worn yet. I slip on a pink pair of flip flops and walk in them to see if they are comfortable or not. Thankfully they are. I walk to the kitchen and roam through the fridge. Evie is standing at the back door waiting for me to let her out. She has gotten so big. Evie was like my baby. I got her when she was a tiny puppy and now she's a big girl. She still is my baby though.

I decide that for breakfast I'm going to have a bagel. I quickly put it in the toaster and let Evie out before walking to the fridge and getting out the cream cheese. When I set it on the counter, I rush to the bathroom. Have I mentioned that my bladder has been out of control?

I walk into the kitchen and I could hear Evie's nails clack against the tiled floor as she walked around. How did she get inside? I let her out and I haven't let her in yet. When I go to get my bagel, it is already on a plate with cream cheese on it. I completely froze for a second and jump when two arms wrap around me from behind. When I see the small tattoos on his left arm, I knew it was Marcel. I let out a sigh and turn around but my fear is immediately replaced by happiness.

"I thought you were getting off at 12:30?" I question after placing a kiss to his soft lips.

"I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised?" He chuckle before taking a bite of my bagel. I cross my arms and playfully give him an angry look. "What? I'm hungry." He says as he takes another bite.

"Well can I have a bite of that piece then you can have the rest?" I ask while putting away the cream cheese. His mouth is full and he is making a ridiculous face while pointing at the other piece of my bagel that has yet to be touched.

"You have a whole 'nother piece right there. Let me have this to myself." He took another bite and I grab it from him, taking a bite. "Hey! Gimme it!" He screeched before snatching it back and I smile at my accomplishment as I chew the piece in my mouth. I sit on the stool at the island eating my bagel as Marcel spoke to me while leaning over the island in front of me. "I'm excited." He smiled as he finished off his bagel.

"Me too. I don't even care if it's a boy or a girl anymore. Just as long as he or she is healthy." I smile at my stomach and rub it just as the baby kicked. I look up at Marcel to see a smirk on his face. "What?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. I just can't get over how beautiful you are." He clears his throat and looks around as if he doesn't know what to do.



"Thank you." I say softly, reaching over the island to hold his hand.


"For wanting to be with me and for giving me a miracle." I signal to the baby and he lets go of my hand before walking around to the other side of the island and wrapping his arms around me. He leans his forehead against mine and smiles that famous smile.

"No, thank you. For everything you've ever done for me." He whispered, pushing the loose strand of hair that fell from my bun behind my ear. I close my eyes and smile at his sweet gesture.

"You're welcome. Thank you for being the one that I do things for."

"Thank you for being the one that does things for me." He says.

"Thank you for being the one that thanks me for being the one that does things for you."

"Thank you for thanking me for thanking you for being the one that does things for me." He chuckled.

"Thank you fo-"

"Ok ok," he laughed while placing his hand over my mouth. "That's enough." He pulled away and I smile at him.


"I believe you are now four months pregnant?" Doctor Jones said in a questionable tone as she put on her latex gloves.

"Yep. That's right." I smile and hold Marcel's hand as I lay on the operating table.

"So, I hear today we'll be finding out the sex, hopefully." She said while taking out the clear gel and the ultrasound remote. I stay silent and watch as she squirts the gel on my big stomach and begins moving the remote all around. I look at Marcel, but he's too focused on the black and white screen. I squeeze his hand.

"Well, your baby boy is very healthy." Doctor Jones smiled and I bring my hands over my mouth as I begin to cry. This is too much of an emotional moment for me, and it's kind of ridiculous considering the fact that it was going to be one of the two and even if it was a girl, i'd still be crying this way. Marcel tears up and rubs my arm.

"So we're having a little boy?" I sob and she nods.

"Is that not what you wanted?" She looks worried and I shake my head.

"Either one is fine, really. I'm just so happy knowing that I'm carrying our baby boy around for the next five months." I sniffle and Marcel wiped my tears away while telling me to take a few deep breaths.

"That's great! I'm going to take a few pictures of him and once that's all done, you're free to go." She smiled while pressing a few buttons. Marcel stared at me with the biggest smile on his face. A smile I've never witnessed before. But I know for a fact that I'm going to be seeing more of it.


Authors Note: Sorry it's not long! But they are having a baby boy! So, I wanted to tell you guys something. You know how in the story, Riley has a dog named Evie? Well.. I have/had a dog named Evie. Um, an incident went down last week and animal control took her from us and it's just been hard. She was my baby girl and knowing that I won't be able to play with her anymore, listen to the pointless/funny sounds she makes, not being able to give her kisses anymore just seriously breaks my heart. & I can't even say bye to her... I just miss her and I want to cuddle with her one last time ):

Ok, enough sadness. I want you guys to get to know me, and I want to get to know my readers. Please kik me asking questions! Don't feel weird kiking me either, lol. I'm not a stuck up person. Just crazy is all! My kik is @sebraeya_21 AH! go!

Please vote & comment! I'll try to update tonight.

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