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Thankfully the day is over and I'm on my way home. I still don't want to believe what happened today. What a fucking coincidence. Honestly, I'm mad that I ran into Marcel because I sort of want nothing to do with him. There hasn't been a day that has passed that Marcel wasn't on my mind. He was always on my mind, actually. Let me just clarify, I do not have feelings for him whatsoever. How can I? We only dated for a week. No biggy. It wasn't even a real relationship.

I become upset as I pull into my apartment parking lot because we were supposed to stay together. We both took each others virginity, I truly loved him and he loved me. But I can't get over the fact that we aren't together today because of that girl Shay. The real question is, why would Marcel be so determined to go see her? Was he planning to cheat on me? It's sort of hard to believe if that's the case. He wouldn't hurt me. He even promised. Plus, he invited me to go with him. But I refused. I should have just went with him because if I would have, maybe we would still be together today.

I flip the lights on to my apartment and my baby girl came running to me. I pick up my small puppy and she places kisses all over my face. Damn, I'm so lonely.

"How's mommy's baby girl Evie doing? Did you miss me?" I ask in a baby toned voice. Her little barks fill my ears and I smile before setting her back on the floor. "Come on. Lets go get you some dinner." I call and pat my thighs as I walk to the kitchen. I refill her bowel with water and refill her other bowel with wet dog food. She pigs out as I walk to the fridge to search for something to eat. I'm so ready to leave this apartment. It's scary living here alone. Plus it's small. I just can't wait until I have enough money to buy a three bedroom house.

I take out buffalo chicken strips from the freezer and put two of them on a plate then put it in the microwave. I decide that I'll have macaroni and cheese as my side so I start boiling the water. While that's going, I walk to my bedroom and scurry off to my dresser. I change into a pair of black sweats and a tight black long sleeved Towson University shirt. I slip on fuzzy socks and shut the light off before walking back to the living room.

Once I'm done making my dinner, I pour myself a glass of tea and take my food to the living room. I turn on the TV and stop when I see that The Sandlot is on. Evie hops onto the couch and lays beside me while I eat and watch the movie. Just as my favorite scene comes up, my phone starts to ring. I notice that it's a number I've never seen before and I instantly know it's Marcel.

"Hello?" I answer as I place my plate on the coffee table.

"Hey, um.. I-It's Marcel."

"You nervous or something?" I chuckle.

"Uehh, sort of."


"So, I just want to apologize. I should ha-"

"Look, don't apologize. It's too late for apologies. Alls I'm apologizing for is for throwing my frappe in your face, although I shouldn't apologize because you called me a control freak and you told me to shut my fucking mouth." I snap, my stomach turning at the memory. He let out a sigh before speaking once again.

"And I'm sorry for that. Truly, I am. You're not a control freak."

"Oh, but I should have shut my fucking mouth?" I laugh to hide my anger.

"Yes-, no, you.. Ugh, Riley! Stop. I'm apologizing. Can you please accept my apology?" He asks frustratedly.

"You know it's your fault we're not together, right?" I blurt out. It's silent and I could feel a lump in my throat. Why did I have to open my mouth? I didn't want him to know that I still think about us being together. Because I don't.. Well I sort of do.. No, I don't.

"Do you think we really would have lasted?" He asks.

"Are you kidding? Yes, I did. I wanted to. But you don't just meet a random girl at Starbucks and want to hang out with her just because she invited you over."

"Riley, it's more than just that and that's why I wanted to talk about it. I want to explain to you why I needed to see Sha-"

"I'm hanging up. This problem should have been sorted out three years ago. You're a bit late, don't ya think?" I am so close to hanging up but what he says keep me from doing so.

"Shay is my sister." He blurts. I pull the phone away from my ear and look at it with disgust before bringing it back to my ear.

"That's such a lie! That's disgusting! You two were totally flirting! She was wiping napkins all over you and ew! Marcel, no. That's.. That's just awkward. You didn't even know when to stop smiling at her. Nice try, but the excuse is not working." I laugh.

"I'm serious. It wasn't even like that. My father took Shay with him when my parents got a divorce. I was only seven, and she was nine. That's why I was talking to her. She told me her name, and we both had mentioned that we looked familiar to each other. Riley, it's so far fetch but it's the truth and I would never lie to you."

I stayed silent and tried putting the pieces together. What the actual hell? This is the most fake story I've heard in my life.

"Were you two attracted to each other or something? You sure seemed like it." I defend.

"No. She spilled her drink, and I offered to buy her a new one. She didn't realize who I was when she was cleaning the coffee off of me. She didn't even bother to look because alls she was focused on was getting me cleaned off. How can I prove to you that she's my sister?"

"Let me meet her."

"Ok. But when?"

"When are you free?" I ask.

"Whenever you are."

"Don't play games with me." I say and he chuckles. "I'm free tomorrow evening I guess after work."

"My place or yours?" He asks.

"Mine. I can't leave my puppy alone in this apartment for too long. She'll start to tear things up." I laugh.

"Deal. Just text me your address and we'll be over tomorrow evening."

"Whatever. I still don't believe you."

"You will tomorrow. Night Riley."

"Mhm, we'll see. Night Marcel." I quickly hang up and look at Evie.

"He is such a bullshitter." I shake my head and talk to her, earning a bark in response.

Marcel; SequelWhere stories live. Discover now