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I smile as I stand in the kitchen doorway, watching Marcel and my dad talk about Ashton's features. Marcel agreed to at least try to be civil with my father, thankfully. Marcel trails his long skinny finger over our son's soft head, smiling at him. Seconds later, his eyes meet mine, his smile growing bigger as mine does too.

"Hey, babe?" He calls out, his voice pulling me closer to him as my feet pad across the carpeted floor. He softly pulls my arm, bringing my ear closer to his mouth, "Do you want me to cancel plans with my dad, or,"

I stop him before he could say anymore, "No, of course not. I um," I look at my dad who is minding his own business and tickling Ashton's cheek, causing Ashton to smile and giggle. "I know how last night, I said that I wish my father was here to walk me down the isle, but I want to give it a few days, y'know? I just don't want to rush anything, but lets not tell your dad anything, just incase," I pause and look at him. "You're not mad about my decisions, are you?" I ask hesitantly, scared for his response. Luckily, he shakes his head, smiling at me before pecking me on the lips. I smile, waving at my dad as I walk away, back to the kitchen.  I stare in the fridge, then freezer, debating on what I should make. Finally I decide on making a chicken dish. Rice, with chicken over it along with melted cheese and broccoli.

As I'm stirring the melted cheese, I feel two hands grab at my waist, causing a squeal to escape my lips and I jump around. "Marcel! You scared me half to death," I exclaim, letting out a relieved laugh. He chuckles as he leans his head down, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Just thought I'd let you know that your dad and Ashton are passed out on the couch. Ashton is laying on his chest," He brushes his fingers through my hair. I stood silently, still thinking about everything that has happened today.

"Marcel," I whisper softly, earning a 'hm'. "Everything that happened today, everything was just so unreal and I feel like I forgave him too fast," I slightly frown, playing with his long fingers as he stares at me. "I feel so bipolar. I should be happy, but all this time, his death was a lie. What do you think?" I look up at him, thankful that I have all of his attention.

"Well, I'm thinking about what you just said, you know, about giving it some time. No one is expecting you to be ok with everything that is going on. I mean, this is your father, Ri. You thought he was dead for several years, and for him to just, barge back into your life, and claim that he has been alive all this time, it isn't something you should just understand right away. Give it some time. We've got plenty of time." He says while running his soft hands up and down my arms. I look down, thinking about every single word he had just spoken. "No one is rushing you to forgive this man." He whispers, tilting my head up and placing a soft kiss to my naked lips.

"You're right," I chuckle. "It'll take some time. A good bit of time, actually. But I love him, and I know that in my heart, somewhere deep down in my heart, that I love him enough to forgive him for what he did."

"Good, I'm glad." He puts on oven mits and slightly pushes me out of the way to pour the cheese and broccoli over the chicken and rice. Just as he was doing so, there was a knock at the front door and I quickly go to answer it. Of course, it was Des.

"Riley! How are you, darling?" He pulls me into a loving hug.

"I'm decent," I smile as I pull away. "And yourself?" I ask, leading him inside.

"Oh, same old same old. I'm excited to meet my grandson," He says just as his eyes land on the two figures sleeping on our couch.

"Um, that's my dad. That's obviously Ashton," I softly laugh, happy that we never told him about my father being dead.

"Amazing! I get to meet your father, too. Now, how about your mum?"

I stare at him for a few seconds before our staring contest is interrupted. “Hey dad,” Marcel pulls him into a hug, looking over his shoulder and giving me a look that says ‘I just saved you’. I smile and walk back to the kitchen.

Authors Note; hey guys! sorry it's not long. I have a terrible headache and this is my first time actually updating from a laptop. I usually update on my phone. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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