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1 month later

I bend over, placing the dirty plates from breakfast into the dishwasher. As I was putting the last plate in, I felt a hand slap against my arse, causing me to jump up, only to see Marcel standing there with a cheeky grin on his face while he held Ashton in his arms. Ashton giggles as he chews on his fingers and I scowl at Marcel.

"I'm gonna get you," I say, pointing at him and he throws one hand up in defense. I chuckle to myself and start the dishwasher. I hop up on the counter, staring right at Marcel who is leaning against the island, staring back at me. "Plans for today?" I ask, picking at my chipped nail polish.

"Mmm," He lays his head back, staring up at the ceiling, still holding Ashton in his arms. "Christmas shopping, wedding planning, and we have got to look into daycare," He says, a serious look on his face and I frown. "Babe, you've been out of work for two months now,"

"I know, but I don't want to leave him with anyone else. He's safe with us," I explain, looking down at my lap and fiddling with my fingers so he can't see my sad expression.

"I know, but you have to go back sometime, y'know?" He pushes himself off of the island and walks towards me. He places his warm hand on my cheek softly, causing me to look up into his green eyes. "He'll be fine. I promise," He smiles. "I can see if mum will watch him?" He says in more of a questionable tone.

"You really think she will?" I ask, playing with the hem of his grey hoodie.

"Of course. She loves Ashton," He smiles that beautiful smile. "Or we could ask your dad," He smirks.

"Ugh," I groan. "No, he's way too busy with this new girl he's talking to, that he hardly has time for his own daughter," I roll my eyes and Marcel laughs. "What's so funny?" I cross my arms playfully.

"Haven't you realized, he's been in hiding for the past several years. Which means he probably hasn't gotten any action during that time period," He covers his face with one hand, still laughing.

"Ew! You sicko!" I shout, laughing with him before hitting his shoulder. "You're so nasty. But back to the daycare slash babysitting subject," I hop off of the counter, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my chin on his chest as I look up at him and Ashton begins to play with my hair. "I've never actually left Ashton with anyone besides you. That makes me nervous, y'know? The thought of leaving him with someone who isn't his mommy or daddy," I say, the words I just spoke tugging at my heart. Marcel looks down at me with those gorgeous green eyes.

"You need to go back to work next week," He says sternly. "We have bills to pay," and with that, he walks away with Ashton in his arms.

I let out a sigh before walking over to the island and picking up my grocery list. Tomorrow is thanksgiving, and we're spending it with Anne, and also Marcel's aunt, and his cousin. I have to run to the store to get stuff to make a desert, and afterwards go Christmas shopping with Marcel for Ashton. Sounds like a simple day to me. I walk into the living room to see Marcel changing a diaper for once in his life.

"I should take a picture of this," I chuckle and he rolls his eyes. "Um, are we taking him Christmas shopping with us?" I ask, sitting on the couch and pulling out my phone.

"Do you want him to see all of his Christmas presents before Christmas day?" He asks, sounding slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I dare to ask.

"My head is just killing me, and I'm stressing over finding someone to watch him while we're at work," He sighs.

"I'll take care of it," I say. "I promise,"

"Why don't I just ask mum? She doesn't work throughout the week, and if she does, it's rare and it's in the evening," He explains before sitting next to me. I nod, taking his free hand, admiring his long fingers. Well doesn't that just turn me on. I bite my bottom lip and lay my head on his shoulder. Goosebumps appear on my skin when I hear and feel him clear his throat. "When do you want me to call her?" He asks softly, allowing Ashton's small body to sit on his lap. For a baby that's only two months old, he's learning how to do things pretty fast, such as sitting up.

"Whenever," I shrug.

"Babe, lets go to Cheshire," He says and my heart does some sort of leap.

"Cheshire as in, England? Holmes Chapel?" I ask, remembering the stories he has told me about his home.

"Yeah. I haven't been home in a while," He says as he lets Ashton down on the carpeted floor to play with his toys. "For like, a week, we could just have a nice vacation. I also want to take mum with us, because that's also her home," He puts his arm over my shoulder and smiles at me.

"So, we're going all the way to the UK from New Jersey?" I ask, shock clear in my voice. He nods with a chuckle. I smile, obviously not sure what to say. "Um, when?" I let out a breathless laugh.

"Maybe after the wedding? Which by the way needs to come soon, because I need to see that dress," He says seductively, leaning closer while staring at my lips. I smirk, leaning in and pressing my mouth to his. He slightly pulls away, his lips softly brushing against mine. "And I can't wait to take it off of you," He smirks, hot breath escaping his lips, only to be blown onto mine.

"Mm," I hum, a smile on my face. "I can't wait for you to take it off-"

"Ahh!!" I slightly jump when Ashton screams. Marcel and I both pull away from each other to look at him. He sat waving his stuffed bunny around, a huge smile on his face and soon chewing on the bunny's ear, slobber drooping from his small pink lips. I couldn't help but giggle at his actions.

"Well, that is your son," I say while standing up, immediately feeling Marcel's large hands grab onto my waist and pulling me onto his lap. "What do you think you're doing, Styles?" I smile, looking at his cheeky grin.

"Where do you think you're going, Bale?"

"I think I'm going to give our son a bath. Care to help?" I play with his brown curls and he nods. "Good. Lets go!" I jump up, quickly picking Ashton up and slightly tossing him in the air. "Are we gonna go take a bath, little man?" I ask in a baby voice as he laughs hysterically. Marcel stands beside me and pokes his nose, causing him to laugh much harder, his face turning red. I laugh with him. "Come on you two," I say, walking to the bathroom.


so, I'm going to continue the story! but please, dear god, please vote AND comment! I know these last few chapters have been boring, but they'll soon be interesting! I promise!!!

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