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Authors Note: I really fucking hate wattpad. Whenever you guys comment something really long, it cuts off half of the comment and I'm just sitting here like OMF YOU FUCKING CuNT! I hate wattpad omg. So did you guys like the last chapter? Only a few of you voted and 3 of you commented /: I don't think you like it, lol.

Riley's POV•

I slightly nod my head and nervously wait for his reaction. He had a blank expression on his face and stared at me for a few seconds before finally saying something.

"But, but I thought you were on birth control?"

"I am on birth control. But there's always a little chance that you can still get pregnant while being on it... And that's what happened.. I took more than one test, all of them had that little plus sign." I explain. He continues to stay silent, so I talk again. "I'm so sorry this is happening. I know you don't want a kid now, and I know.. I know we haven't been together long and you just purposed, but-" I begin sliding the ring off, not wanting to at all. "If you don't want to marry me now, I completely understand." I sniffle from the very little of tears that fell from my eyes and try handing him the ring.

A smile spreads across his face and I'm immediately confused. "Put that ring back on, because we're getting married, and we're having a baby." He said excitedly before standing up and pulling me off of the couch. He wraps his arms around me, picks me up and twirls me as our lips meet once again. When he puts me down, the smile is still on his face. "Why would you think that I didn't want to marry you? Why would you think I didn't want a kid? As long as it's with you, I'm up for it." He bites his lip in attempt to take away the smile on his face. His eyes were tearing up and he let out a shaky sigh. "You're pregnant. With my baby." He sniffled as the tears fell and I laid my head on his chest.

"I'm pregnant with your baby." I whisper as we stand in the middle of the living room, hugging and crying.

"Merry Christmas." He whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek.

"Best Christmas yet." I smile.


"Babe, while at dinner at my mums, what should we announce first? Our engagement or your pregnancy?" Marcel yells from his bedroom as he buttons up his black dress shirt.

"Um, our engagement." I call back as I put on eye liner. "Marc, I'm sort of nervous to tell them about my pregnancy. What if they think bad of me or something?" I run my fingers through my curls and examine myself in the mirror. Seconds later, Marcel appears in the bathroom doorway, leaning on the frame watching me.

"Riley, they won't think bad of you. I promise. They know how much we love each other and my mum knows how badly I wanted you to have my kids so I know for sure that she will be more excited than anybody. Plus, when everyone found out about Ashley being pregnant, no one was mad and they didn't think bad of her." He explains and I drop my arms to my sides and look at him sternly,

"Ashley is family, Marcel. It's a whole different story." I assure him.

"That didn't matter. I thought it was crazy because she was only eighteen. You're twenty one. Now that's a different story." He smiles, knowing he is right. "Is it not?"

I sigh and nod, "I guess it is. I just hope all of your family accepts me. I don't want to go through years of in laws hating me, you know?" I ask as I take off my t-shirt and pajama shorts to start getting ready. I pull on a pair of jet black skinny jeans, and a tight red long sleeved shirt.

"Yeah babe, I know. I also know that all of them will love you because I do." He says softly, his voice making my heart flutter. He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist. I lean into his touch, a smile creeping it's way onto my lips. He places a kiss on my cheek then pulls away. "How do I look?" He smiles cheekily, signaling to his outfit. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a black dress shirt tucked into his pants and the sleeves rolled up. He was also wearing black boots similar to his brown ones. I look at his hair and it's in a quiff.

"I love it! But, um.. Are you sure you don't want to wear your glasses?" I squeak and he lets out a cackle.

"Riley, I'm not wearing those god awful glasses." He assures me and I frown. "How abooout, once a month I dress up like old Marcel and spend the day with you? I still have some of my old clothes." He chuckles.

"You'd actually do that?" I couldn't help but laugh but it was so cute and sweet.

"Yeah, maybe you should have read all of those coupons I made for you." He winks before walking away. That boy, I swear. He is too much for me. But I sure as hell love him.

I walk to my bedroom and look through my dress shoes. I hate heels because alls they do is cause your feet to hurt and they make you want to take them off. Oh well, I'll just wear my black heels and put my black converse and a pair of socks in my purse. I quickly slip on my black heels and put my other shoes and socks in my purse. I decide to clip my bangs back and it actually looks cute. I spray my perfume on and take one last look in the mirror. I walk to the living room and Marcel is playing with Evie, letting her chase him around. I lean on the doorframe to the living room and watch him before looking at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger. I can't believe I'm actually marrying Marcel. I can't believe I'm actually going to have his baby.

I heard whistling and when I look up, he's whistling at me as he walks my way. "You look sexy as hell." He compliments and I could feel myself blush.

"You don't look bad yourself."

He chuckles and stares my body up and down, "Ready to go?"

"Mhm," I nod and grab my peacoat. "Babe, are we taking yours or my car?" I ask and put Evie in her cage. We'll be gone for a while so I don't want her to tear anything else up. He looks as if he's thinking and shrugs his shoulders. "Lets take yours." I grab his keys which lie beside mine and we walk outside and into the snow. He holds my hand tightly even though we're only walking to his car but it's still sweet. He opens the car door for me and I quickly get in. His seats are freezing and I'm dying to turn the heat on. Thankfully he does once he gets in.

I hold his hand tightly as we ride down his moms street due to my nervousness. He runs his thumb over my knuckles but it doesn't calm me down like it usually does. I've never been so nervous in my life but I'm also really excited because the last time I saw this house was in 12th grade. Though the last time I saw it was when we ended things, it also held amazing memories. Not to mention terrible ones like the time when Natasha kissed him. I hate her still.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Marcel opened my door and I sigh once I realize that we are finally here. I don't want to tell them I'm pregnant because they will probably hate me afterwards. Maybe I just need to stop over thinking this. As we walk up the stairs to the front door, it opens before we could get to it and Anne pulled the both of us into the tightest hug. I hug back and she pulls us insider and there's already a lot of Marcel's family members there that I've never met before. Anne stands beside me, holding onto my shoulder.

"Everyone, this is the beautiful Riley I've been telling you all about!" She shouts and I feel like throwing up.

No, I really feel like throwing up.

"Hi, sorry I'll be right back." I say as quickly as possible and run to the bathroom, Marcel following behind me. Thankfully no one was in the bathroom and I made it to the toilet just in time to puke. Marcel held onto my hair and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. There was a knock on the door and I knew it was Anne when she asked if everything was ok.

"Everything is fine, mum! Just give us a minute." Marcel shouts back and I close my eyes once I sit up. "Are you ok?" He pushes my hair out of my face and I nod. "Are you sure? You don't look too good." He assures me. Oh, wow. Thanks for making me feel better. I nod again before standing up to flush the toilet and rinse my mouth out.

"I'm fine. I'm just really nervous and I'm just.. Scared? I don't know." I cover my face and I want to scream because of how embarrassed I am. I just barely met his family and I nearly threw up in front of them. I bet they won't have a great first impression on me. Marcel pulls my hands down to my sides and hugs me. I have to admit, his hugs are extremely comforting and I love them. He rubbed my back and I close my eyes.

"Just be yourself and they'll love you." He whispers and I nod. When we exit the bathroom, we heard everyone in the living room laughing and sharing old stories with each other. When Marcel and I entered, eyes were on us but they continued to talk so it wasn't awkward. We sat on the love seat and he held onto my hand, squeezing it every few seconds. "Do you need anything? A drink, something to snack on?" He looks down at me generously and I try thinking of something he could get me but nothing pops into my head.

"No thanks, I'm good. Thank you, though." I smile and he smiles back before kissing my forehead.

"I told you they were really cute with each other. When we went over for dinner, they were always smiling at each other, hugging each other, kissing. They are perfect." Ashley tells everyone and I instantly blush, also feeling a bit nervous.

"They are pretty cute." A young boy that seems close to our age says. Marcel keeps quiet but seems flattered by the comments being thrown towards us.

"Thank you." I smile shyly. Everyone in this room has a smile on their faces and before anything else was said, they began to talk again.

"Marcel, remember that one time in the treehouse at Nanna's, you jumped out of it and laid there in until Aunt Anne and mum rushed outside to help you? And you weren't even hurt?" A girl laughs hysterically and Marcel starts to chuckle. "You were so bonkers back then. It was so funny being around you and the boys." She laughed. The boys?

"Yeah, and remember when Matty and Holly ran away on Halloween and uncle Timmy found them and they got in so much trouble because we were only what? Six, maybe even younger." Marcel joined in. It was actually quite fun hearing how Marcel was when he was a kid. "Also, remember when Ryan got that mini chopper for Christmas and Matty got the mini dirt bike, and dad told me not to ride the mini chopper because it was dangerous? And then Ryan told me to ride the chopper or he was going to beat me up so I did, because Ryan was always mean to me and while I was riding it, I couldn't stop so I flew over the handlebars and busted my knee open. Then, Aunt Alyssa was yelling at me while cleaning my knee up and saying that I shouldn't have gotten on it." He laughed. Wow, they must have a lot of memories.

After almost another hour of telling stories, Marcel focuses his attention on me and begins to play with my hands out of boredom. We took my ring off at the house just so nobody would spot it before we announce our engagement. I can't wait to get it back on my finger because it puts the biggest smile on my face and reminds me that I'm Marcel's and only Marcel's. My thoughts were interrupted by his laughing and I turn my head to look at him. The smile on his face, the dimples, the way he squints his eyes when he laughs. Every single thing this boy does, makes me happy.

Marcel; SequelWhere stories live. Discover now