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It was raining and the weather report said that there would be a storm coming. The chubby cheeked boy reached school earlier and planned to go to the student council clubhouse. He went to the locker wing and decided to pick up some things. On his way, he could feel stares from the students he passed by. He was used to it but there was something weird on how they looked at him that day. As if they were watching his every move. It gave him goose bumps. He turned around and caught several students looking away from him. He turned back facing his locker shrugging the feeling off. He was about to open his locker, when a tap on his shoulder startled him. He jumps in surprise. When he turned around, relief overflows his whole body as he saw it was Yuto and Keito greeting him.

“Ohayou, Yama-chan.” Yuto greeted him with his usual bright smile.

“Ohayou. Daijoubou? You look a little bit pale.” Keito said as he looked closely at the chubby cheeked boy who sighed in relief with their presence.

“Yeah. Daijoubou, Yama-chan?” Yuto checked the chubby cheeked boy’s forehead but relieved that it was not a fever.

“Daijoubou. You just surprised me. And it’s just I can’t shrug the feeling of someone or everyone’s watching me.” The chubby cheeked boy said with a low voice making his two friends to lean down to hear him.

“Yama-chan, we get that a lot every day. Why bother it just now?” Yuto said with a chuckle.

“I know. It’s just today is different. There is something weird with their stares that send me goose bumps.” Yamada said as he rubbed his arms feeling a bit cold.

“Hmm…I wonder. Thinking of it, there’s something weird.” Keito said as he notices a girl looked away from them.

“What do you mean, Keito?” Yuto asked as both he and Yamada looked at Keito confused.

“I don’t hear whispers or squeals or chatting. It’s awfully quiet than usual, don’t you think?” Keito then emphasizes his point.

Looking around, Yuto then notices it too. There were no chatting, whispers or squeals that they normally hear every day. It was too quiet.

“Maybe the weather?” Yuto joked but earned him a whack from Keito. “Ouch! What was that for? You’re just over thinking about it.” He protested with a pout.

Keito shook his head. “It’s not the time for that. Something’s going on or will happen.” He said matter-of-factly.

“Like what – “Yamada was cut off as he opened his locker, he immediately stepped back. There were a lot of envelopes of different colors and boxes of chocolates came crashing down from his locker. “What the – “

“Oh man. Is that today?” Yuto asked in shock.

“What is today?” Yamada asked confused looking at his tall friend.

“Yama-chan, don’t you remember? Today is Valentine’s day.” Keito said as he eyed his own locker which is four lockers away from Yamada’s.

Realization struck the chubby cheeked boy. He turned around and saw everyone looking at them. It was today that they were not looking forward to.

“DARN! That was today?!” Yamada exclaimed wide-eyed.

For Yamada Ryosuke, Valentine ’s Day is one of the worst day of the year. It is simply because everyone dares to ruin his peaceful life. It would be a very long day.

~ * * * ~

Annoying is an understatement though for the cute small boy named Chinen Yuri. In fact, he hated this day for the mere fact that everyone, girl or boy, would just come and bombarding him with gifts. Just like now, the little squirrel is running away from a large group of students with gifts at hand.


It was break time, so Chinen decided to spend his time sleeping at his favorite spot at the rooftop. The rain had somewhat stopped and the sun peeked from the clouds. He was sleeping peacefully when he was disturbed by a shadow hovering over him. With furrowed eyebrows, he opened his eyes and saw a girl with a ponytail stepped back startled. 

“Whoa! W – what are you doing here?” the little squirrel said with his high pitched voice.

He looked at the girl who kept on fidgeting from where she is standing and seemed like hiding something behind her. He could see how nervous the girl was as he watched her unsure face. The little squirrel tilted his head in confusion. He tried to figure out what the girl is so nervous about. 

“Anoo saa…” Chinen asked trying to decrease the awkwardness between them.

The girl took a deep breath then bowed stretching her arms with a box of chocolates at hand. “Please a – accept this.” She suddenly said.

The chibi was surprised. He was now more confused than before.

“Ano..Why are you giving me this? It’s not my birt-.” The chibi was about to reach out his arms, he was cut off when realization struck him straight. It was the day of the year that he shouldn’t go out from his house if he had one.

He almost jumped when the door of the rooftop opened with a loud bang and a large group of students came rushing to him with gifts at hand.

End of flashback

The little squirrel ran as fast as he can. He didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings but being bombarded by too many gifts is just too annoying.

“JUST LEAVE ME ALOOOONNNNEEE!!!” he shouted to them who just didn't care at all.

~ * * * ~

Yamada was walking his way home from school. He felt tired of how his day had gone through. He remembered how the student council clubhouse was filled with gifts from all the students. They appreciated the gifts but it was just annoying that even in the middle of class and meetings someone would be disturbing them to give a gift. He heaved a sigh. He was relieved that this day had finish already.

As his apartment was in sight, he fished his keys from his bag pocket. Then he notices a big unfamiliar box that was soaking wet at his doorsteps. He furrowed his eyebrow. Who would leave a big box there? Maybe it was a delivery from his family. He checked for any delivery sticker, but there was none. It was odd that someone would just leave a delivery outside soaking wet. He can’t figure out what was inside the box maybe a bomb? He held tightly at his umbrella as he reached for the flap of the box to open it; he almost slipped when the box shook. He took a deep breath and readied himself to whatever is inside the box. Cautiously, he flipped the flap and was surprised when the box fell to the sides and came rolling down a small figure.

The chubby cheeked boy approached it and brushed away the wet bangs that covered the small figure’s face. His eyes widen, as he recognized who it was. 

“What the – “the chubby cheeked boy cursed as he immediately scooped the chibi into his arms. As he carried that small frame into his apartment, he flinched feeling how the small boy’s body drenched and trembles in his arms.

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