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It was another bright day at the Yamada household. There were fast stomping footsteps and a loud bang of the door.

"Ryo-chan no baka! Why did you do that? You could wake me up more gently." The high pitched voice of Chinen Yuri echoed through the house.

"I tried so many times but you didn't budge. I had no choice." The chubby cheeked boy said finishing his breakfast.


The chubby cheeked boy was outside the little squirrel's bedroom door for couple of minutes now. He called for the chibi from downstairs but the younger didn't respond to him. After calling numerous of times, the older decided to go to his room. He knocked but still the squirrel didn't answer. He tried another knock but to no avail. He heaved a sigh and tried to twist the door knob. To his luck, it was unlocked. He pushed the door open and popped his head inside. There he saw the squirrel was still on bed covered with his blankets. He approached the bed where the figure laid.

"Oi! Chibi, wake up!" he called out loud but the younger boy didn't stir.

"Hey! Wake up! You're gonna be late!" another attempt but failed. The small boy groaned and turned his back at Yamada.

"Five minutes." The younger boy mumbled against his bolster.

"Hey! Get up already!" the older boy said louder.

The squirrel just turned to lie on his back. In doing so, his shirt tugged upwards revealing his slim abdomen. His legs were spread wide and arms outstretched either ways. He scratched his tummy sleepily. His lips are parted as even breathing passed through it.

The chubby cheeked boy just watched that scene unfold to his very eyes. He examined every part of the younger boy. His eyes trailed off from the chibi's jet black hair that framed his face, pearl white skin, pointed nose, plump lips down to his neck and down to his exposed abdomen. The older boy could feel his body heat up and his face burn. Using his fingers he lifted the blanket and dropped it carefully unto the chibi.

He randomly shook his head to clear his thoughts. He mentally whacked himself for thinking such fantasies early in the morning.

"Tch." He had no other way. He couldn't wake the latter up using gentle calls and shakes.

He grasped the blanket that the chibi was holding tightly and swiftly pulled it causing the chibi to fall from his bed head first. The younger groaned in pain.

End of Flashback:

Chinen came running down the plight of stairs to the kitchen. He immediately shoved the toast into his mouth and drank the milk with one gulp. He heard Yamada on his way to the door.

"Ryo-chan, chotto!" the chibi called out while rinsing his dishes.

Yamada was already wearing his shoes and checking his reflection by the mirror. He had already gone out of the door when the chibi quickly shoved on his shoes and locked the door on his way out. He chased after the chubby cheeked boy who was turning by the corner towards the bus stop. They reached the bus stop just in time the bus pulled in.

They both entered the bus. It was late already so there were more commuters riding on the bus. In every stop, a lot of people were entering the bus. Yamada and Chinen were standing near the door by the handrail. People entering the bus gradually pushed their way in the bus as possible so they don't have to wait for the next one.

The little squirrel hates closed crowded places. He feels that breathing was shallow and anytime he would collapse. He could almost feel like being squished because he was small though he hates to admit it. He felt very uncomfortable as people kept on bumping onto him from both sides. He wanted to get off of the bus but he can't risk in being late. He just needed to hold on for a few more stops. He felt like collapsing with the small space he had.

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