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It was already late at night when the chibi returned to Yamada’s apartment. He had convinced his uncle to drop him off at the bus stop after a lot of persuasion. With a sigh, he quietly unlocked the door. It was dark. Maybe Yamada had gone to sleep already. After he took off his shoes, he tiptoed entered the apartment not wanting to wake up the older boy. He was not yet ready to face the older boy.

He quietly made his way towards the kitchen to, at least, have a glass of water. He was confused because the lights were on. He was surprise to see the chubby cheeked boy was sleeping on the counter, his head resting on his arms. There was also covered food that was laid on the counter. It seemed that the older boy waited for him. His eyes softened.

He walked towards the stool opposite the chubby cheeked boy. He is touched to see that the food laid there was gyoza. He gently opened the cover of the food as he settled himself on the stool. A small smile formed on his cute face. He took a piece into his mouth. He smiled tasting the homemade gyoza that Yamada made for him. It’s more delicious than the ones he ate earlier. He bit his lower lip holding in any sound that he would make. When he finished his meal, he walked towards the sleeping figure. He looked closely at the older boy’s face.

“Ryo-chan, arigatou. Gomen ne.” he leaned closer intending to lay a soft kiss on the older boy’s chubby cheek when suddenly the older boy stirred, repositioning his face.

Everything happened so fast. Chinen wide eyed retracted from his close proximity to the older boy. His heart was thumping hard inside his chest, butterflies fluttering inside his stomach and he felt his face burn. He unconsciously caressed his lips. Instead of laying an innocent kiss on the older boy’s cheek he accidentally pressed his lips on the latter’s lips. He was surprised to the sudden turn of events. He remained in that position for a while. When he snapped, he immediately grabbed his bag on the counter and dashed towards his room. He shut his door closed and leaned against the door. He held onto his chest as he slid down.

‘What happened?!’ he exclaimed in his head trying to calm down his thumping heart and trembling nerves.

The scene kept on repeating inside his head as he softly caressed his lips. He can still feel the soft moist touch of the older boy’s lips. Just thinking about it made him blush hard. He took a deep breath and shakily walked towards his bed. He plopped on it and covered his face with his pillow. He will have a very, very long night.



Upon hearing the shutting of the door, the chubby cheeked boy gently caressed his lips, still feeling the sensation of another touching it. He was blushing ten-folds. His heart is hammering against his chest. He was surprised with himself that he was able to feign sleep the whole time.


The next day, the chibi woke up a bit early or more precisely he hasn’t got any sleep. He kept on turning on his bed because every time he closes his eyes the scene from the night before kept on replaying in his mind. He quietly made his way towards the kitchen. He peeked in it and heaved a sigh when there was nobody in there.

“You’re early.” a voice startled the squirrel from behind.

Seeing the chubby cheeked boy made the younger boy’s heart beats madly inside his chest. Good thing he was holding onto the door frame because if not he would fall. Another glimpse of the incident last night flashed in his head. He immediately shook his head and musters an awkward smile.

“O-ohayou, Ryo-chan.” The small boy tried to act normal.

“Sit down and I’ll make breakfast.” The older boy gestured at the shorter boy who hesitantly obliged.

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