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Time passes by faster when everyone is having fun. In a blink of an eye, it was already the last day of the school festival. There would be a closing presentation and the lighting of the school bonfire. These will be the main event for the day.

“Good work, minna.” Yamada said as he clapped his hands to call everyone’s attention. “Let’s finish this and assemble at the field by six, okay?” he added.

“Hai!” everyone answered.

They had finished earlier preparing everyone for the school closing presentation. Yamada made sure that his classmates would all be attending the show.

“Anybody saw Chii?” someone asked while holding the folded maid costume.

Everyone shook their heads in response. This caught Yamada’s attention. He thought that the chibi skipped cleaning.

“We haven’t seen him since lunch time.” One said while moving the chairs.

Yamada wondered where the chibi went. He was alone helping the class because Yuto and Keito needed to prepare for their presentation with Yabu, Inoo, Takaki and Hikaru. They would be performing as a band. They were probably practicing.


On the other side of school, a small figure was very uncomfortable as he fidgeted on his seat.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked nervousness coated his words.

“Of course. I’m very sure of it.” A tall brunette said reassuringly.

“But if…What if I messed up?” the smaller boy said still unsure.

“Don’t worry. We know that you can do it.” Another said with a gentle voice.

“Yeah. We’re here with you.” An excited boy then said.

“Believe in yourself.” Someone soothed him with a pat on his head.

The smaller boy looked at them with a smile on his face. Seemed like all his worries just flown away.

“Yosh! Let’s start again.” A tall boy with smiling eyes cheered,


The closing presentation will be starting. All the students and guests were gathered at the field where there is a huge stage at the center. Some were seated on the bleacher while others stood at the foot of the stage. There was a huge screen at the back of the stage.

The announcement of the start of the program was announced. When the lights dimmed, the spotlight revealed Daiki at the center of the stage as the host. He greeted everyone cheerfully with his bright smile. The crowd squealed and cheered.

“Minna, genki desu ka?” Daiki greeted through the mic then the crowd answered loudly. “So we will be starting off our school festival’s closing presentation. Let’s hear a few words from our headmaster.  Let’s give him a warm applause.” He continued as the audience clapped their hands in recognition.

After a few words from the headmaster, everyone cheered for the performers. Then the crowd erupted in cheers when it was announced the next performers.

“Ne minna, genki?” Daiki asked. The crowd answered with a loud ‘Yeah!’ “Now for our next performers. I know you are waiting for them. Are you ready?” the crowd went wild. “Let’s welcome the JUMP band. Douzo.”

Yamada was watching from back stage with a clipboard at hand checking for the flow of the program. It was time for Yuto and Keito’s performance together with the other student council members.

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