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Sunlight shone at the small figure’s cute face. He stirred from his deep slumber. He scrunched his brows as he resisted from opening his heavy eyelids. It was warm. He was enveloped by inviting and comfortable warmth. He sleepily pushed himself up as he rubbed away the sleepiness in his eyes. He stretched his limbs while yawning. Looking around as he scratched his tummy, his eyes widen when he saw himself in an unfamiliar room on an unfamiliar bed.

“Eh?! Where am I?” he looked around the room.

It was a simple room. The walls were colored blue with touches of white. The bed, he was lying on, was at the far corner of the room near the window. Beside the bed was a study table with a lamp on it. At the feet of the bed was the closet near the door. The room was clean and warm. It felt like home.

He decided to get off the bed to search for answers. He uncovered himself and notices something that disturbed him.

“What the – Where are my clothes?!” he exclaimed as he roamed his hands through his body panicky.

He was in a different set of clothes. It was a bit bigger than his size. He tried to remember what happened but failed. He was smacking his head lightly. All he could remember was that he was chased by a crowd of students with gifts at hand. Even in his part – time job, he was bombarded with gifts from the customers. He remembered running away from everyone and hiding himself inside something he couldn’t recall.

After gaining his strength, he exited the room. He saw beside the room there was a door and across it at the far right side was another door that looked like a bathroom door. That door seemed familiar but he shrugged it off. He could see a staircase at the end of the hallway on his left. He really could feel the familiarity of that place as if he had been there. He climbed down the stairs. As he reached the last two steps, he could smell something inviting. He followed it and ended up at the kitchen.

As he peeked inside, he saw someone cooking. That stranger was facing his back at him. He noticed that the apron the latter was wearing was tied loosely behind. He fought the urge to approach him to tie the knot. He looked closely at the latter as he could see the broad shoulders, the wide back and the good built the stranger had.

In the middle of his trance, his stomach growled as he held it by instinct. The latter turned to him with a spoon and a bowl at hand. The little squirrel hitched his breathing as he saw who it was. It was no other than the very cold yet very handsome student council president, Yamada Ryosuke.

“How long are you going to stand there? Come over and sit.” The chubby cheeked boy instructed as he went back to his cooking.

Startled, the little squirrel sat down by the counter as the chubby cheeked boy laid a bowl of soup in front of him. The younger boy gulped as he saw the hot and delicious soup.

The chubby cheeked boy stood beside the squirrel. When the younger boy turned to the older, he saw that he was leaning to him. Startled by the action, the chibi backed away and almost fell from the stool. The chubby cheeked boy held out his hands behind the squirrel’s head to prevent him from moving. The younger boy shut his eyes as the older came closer and closer to him. He was very nervous. His heart was racing and his breathing shallow. Then he could feel something warm against his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes and saw that Yamada’s face was centimeters apart from him. The older boy’s forehead was against his. His eyes closed. The younger boy could feel his face burning. The older pulled away and looked at the squirrel filled with concern.

“The fever is almost gone but why does your face still red?” the chubby cheeked boy asked as he examined the reddened face of the younger who just looked at him wide eyed. “What are you waiting for? Eat it before it gets cold.” He said that snapped the squirrel from his trance.

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