Well, So....THAT Happened

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She was pretty certain this was all going to end horribly.

Yet as his hands traced up and down her sides as he sat between her legs, marveling at her, she began to wonder if that was really as true as she thought.

Because it was growing extremely difficult not to at least consider the alternative, as he slid off the t-shirt, his hands on her hips as his mouth traced every minor scar and bruise.

She carded a hand through his hair and she felt him grin against her stomach, stopping for a moment to yank off his own dress shirt.

His mouth dipped lower, his thumbs rubbing circles against her sides as he slid off her pants. When he slipped his mouth down even further Fiona jolted in surprise, looking down the length of her body to see him looking up at her with a cocky smile.

He took his time, his mouth outlining every inch of her, gentle yet infuriatingly precise and she suppressed a moan that was threatening to spill out of her mouth.

"Nice to know it's possible for that mouth to be put to good use," she murmured and he chuckled.

"Was that a compliment?" He muttered as he held her open, and any retort she might have had was rapidly swallowed as she let out a whimper as he went back to work. His eyes met hers and she flushed scarlet.

"Shut up," she muttered and his eyes crinkled as he grinned, immediately resuming his actions.

The sighs and moans began to increase in a rapid succession and Fiona was half-expecting Rhys to make a comment about it. But as it turned out, he was putting his tongue to better uses and she really couldn't argue with it.

Though she swore she wanted to smack him a little as she felt the smug satisfaction radiating out of every pore of his body.

Tim checked over the files again as he rode up in the elevator, making a mental note to himself to ask Rhys about the slogan for the latest gun model.

The doors pinged open at the top floor and he stepped out, the files tucked under his arm. He took a few steps forward and typed his code into the keypad beside Rhys' office, humming to himself absentmindedly.

Instead of the sight of Rhys passed out at his desk, he was greeted by a cold cup of coffee and a half-eaten muffin.

Maybe he'd stepped out for a minute. Not that that was unusual for him to do, but the absence still felt...strange. Ninety per cent of the time it seemed like you could barely get him out of his office if he was visiting Kratos, constantly going over gun models or paperwork.

It had seemed fair at first, for him to be constantly working. He had needed to build a company from the ground-up after all, and that didn't happen by sheer luck.

But it had only seemed to get worse once they reached the five year mark. How he came in one day, dark circles under his eyes, his body coated in Pandoran dust and declared he'd be in his office. And then he never seemed to leave it except to go to Cronus.

And eventually, he seemed to stop coming to Pandora altogether. Settled himself on the circling satellite, only popping in every so often to make sure everything was still running smoothly.

Some of the workers thought he did it because it suited the lavish lifestyle he had, if the suits indicated anything.

Tim knew it was more complicated than that. That despite everything Rhys said about the chaos and horribleness that was Helios...he liked living somewhere surrounded by the stars. The ability to look out his window and see endless galaxies, folding and unfolding before his very eyes.

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