If You Want Me

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Granted, Fiona could understand that seeing your sister again after years of thinking she was dead was bound to cause a reaction.

She had just expected it to be more of the...tight hugging followed by tears variety.

"How long has she been here?" Sasha asked Rhys sharply and he looked almost embarrassed, shrugging before he responded.

"Just a day or two," he replied quietly, and Fiona was stunned at the revelation. Had it really only been two days?


"And in those two days you didn't think of calling me to tell me my sister happens to be alive?" Sasha asked, and Fiona bristled as August put a hand on the small of her back and rubbed it comfortingly.

The piercings were gone for the most part, his blond hair faded, but the cool disregard in which he observed the entire situation gave away his identity entirely.

She didn't like him, but she had to admire him in a certain way for that.

"Nice to see you Fiona," August declared and she only gave him a curt nod in response.

"That was the deal, wasn't it?" Sasha declared sharply.

"What deal?" Fiona asked and Sasha seemed to realize she was still in the room. She shook her head and gestured with her chin to Rhys.

"He was supposed to call me as soon as he found you, and if I happened to find you instead I would call him," Sasha explained.

"Well I was going to let you know, but..." Rhys began defensively.

"But what, Rhys?" Sasha asked sharply. "Please, I'm dying to know your excuse."

"Well, between my newest models being launched and her showing up excuse me if I didn't find the time for a nice chat," Rhys replied almost as sharply.

"Yeah, we'll get to the gun thing in a minute," Sasha retorted. She stood up and approached Fiona.

Fiona barely had time to react to the fact her sister had more lines on her face then the last time they had seen each other, when she was pulled into a tight hug.

Fiona easily wrapped her arms around her sister, the pair holding each other for a few moments and Fiona felt something bubble up in her chest.

"Don't ever do that again, okay?" Sasha demanded as she pulled away, and Fiona noticed a few tears streaking down her cheeks. Sasha wiped at her eyes with the heel of her hand as she gave a watery chuckle. "You left me alone with this idiot..."

"Which one?" Fiona asked.

"Hey!" Rhys said defensively and Fiona chuckled.

"Sorry I missed the wedding," Fiona continued and Sasha smiled a little.

"You didn't miss much," August replied and Fiona stiffened. "Bunch of gun companies all eager to jerk each other off while secretly sharpening their knives."

"Remind me why you married him?" Fiona asked and Sasha laughed.

"He has his moments," Sasha replied as she let go of her sister, walking over to August and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Fiona snorted at how he went beet red, coughing into his fist.

"It was that or marry this guy," August retorted as he pointed with his thumb to Rhys, who tried to sputter out a reply. Which came out as more of an indignant huff.

"Or Vaughn," Sasha reminded him, which actually caused August to grin. It looked so genuinely open on his face, softening it entirely and it set Fiona on edge.

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