Unexpected Allies

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She brushed back half of her hair into a plait as she kept the other side hanging loose. An old habit she supposed, too used to having half of her hair missing to change it now. She examined herself in the shoddy mirror, taking in the pair of radiant blue eyes that stared back at her.

She smiled a little to herself as she remembered a certain someone telling her she had eyes like sapphires and a face worthy of her name.

That had been so long ago now that she was surprised she still remembered it. A lot else had faded since then and yet that memory stuck for some reason.

Well, she knew the reason why. It was the first time she could remember someone who wasn't her father looking at her like she was worth something. And unlike her father, it had been with the purest of intentions.

Ironic that they shared the same face. Also a bit...awkward, considering how she had acted after a few too many drinks when he had his arm around her waist to keep her steady.

He tasted like one of Moxxi's cheap liquors, sweet but sharp, and when she pulled away he had gone red as a tomato. Stuttering out that she needed to go home, and he'd actually been nice enough to take her there.

That was where it had ended, just as it had begun.

Her ECHO comm buzzed and she turned to it in surprise.

One of the detriments of being thought dead: you didn't get many callers.

She approached the device hesitantly, answering and half-expecting another telemarketer.


"Hey, so, uh, hello. Do you mind opening the door? I tried knocking but I think the Skag near your door wants to bite my arm off?"

Angel actually beamed, so genuinely surprised that she didn't even think before she ran to the door, throwing it open and pulling in the tall figure to a tight hug. The man gave a small squeak of surprise before he wrapped an arm around her and held her for a few moments, and she smiled against his chest.

She pulled away first, staring at the Skag before she muttered something and the Skag ran off.

"Sorry, had to get myself some protection after a group of bandits tried to take the hut," Angel explained as she looked up at Timothy. "How are you Tiny Tim?"

He flushed at the nickname and she marvelled a little at how his hair was practically greyed out. So different from when she had last seen him, all dark hair and an innocent little grin adorning his features. Well, the grin was still there at least.

She used to wonder how she would be able to tell the difference between her father and this man, but soon it became very simple. Jack was hard and brash and loud in all the ways Tim was not. Also, Jack would never be caught writing fiction about bears. That tended to be the major giveaway.

"Not too bad...err, how are you?" Tim asked awkwardly and she smiled.

"Well you know, the usual. Repairing old electronics equipment, improving it, selling it on the black market. The usual," she replied as she motioned for him to come inside. "Still doing the Vault Hunter thing?"

Timothy shook his head emphatically and she laughed.

"You got out? Nice," she replied with a grin. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I never thought it suited you that well anyways."

"Why not?" Tim asked defensively. "I'll have you know I was very good."

Angel boldly took a step forward and kissed his cheek tenderly, giggling when she saw him flush scarlet.

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