A Few Wrong Decisions

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It was the first time Rhys actually felt...at peace. For once, everything seemed to be coming together.

He couldn't resist the temptation to kiss Fiona's forehead as they lay in bed together, a soft grin on his features as she pulled him closer in her sleep.

His ECHO comm broke the blissful moment, beeping frantically and he frowned to himself as he sat up.


The voice on the other end cracked and popped, the audio fading in and out.

"Rhys...." The voice began. "Kratos...he...sorry."

Rhys frowned in frustration.


"He...Kratos...I'm sorry I...oh God...."

The realization hit him like a bucket of ice water, chilling him to the bone.

The words echoed in his head as he ran, barely glancing at the pair trying to keep up with him as he searched for the vehicle they had used to reach Hollow Point.

It was the first time Fiona could remember seeing Rhys like this, tipped off the edge of control. His words were sharp as he practically ordered Sasha to take him back to Kratos from Hollow Point, silencing her with a glare as she tried to make a smart remark about it.

He wouldn't tell them what had happened, his face ashen as Sasha drove them back through the desert.

August had been called away, needing to attend to some deal he was setting up in New Haven, and from the way Sasha's features were set in a grimace she looked like she regretted not joining him.

Fiona saw him pull out a slim blue disk attached to a series of wires, turning it between his fingers as he breathed in and out through his nose. The disk seemed to glow in his palm and she opened her mouth to ask what it was exactly when the car jerked to a halt.

Rhys didn't even glance back before he bolted out of the car, slamming the door closed as he sprinted towards the centre of the little town he had built up of soldiers, scientists and civilians alike. Willing himself not to expect the worst, and yet...

Christ, why had he been so stupid?

"What the hell is going on Rhys?" Fiona called out as she sprinted up to him, keeping easily in step with him and for a moment it reminded him of that run to the Vault. A rather silly form of flirtation, to be honest.

"Nothing," he replied sharply and Fiona frowned.

"Rhys, what did they tell you?" Fiona asked just as sharply.

He didn't respond, his only thoughts being an endless cycle of get to the control room, get Tim out, shut down the systems, evacuate the civilians, and get Fiona out of the way as he ran.

He felt something tug his cybernetic arm sharply and he stumbled as Fiona glared at him.

"What the hell..." he began as he glared at Fiona in return. "I don't have time for this!"

"Rhys, either you tell me what the hell is going on or I swear..." Fiona began to threaten as he wrenched his arm from her grasp.

"Look, I can explain it to you later, but for the meantime just do me a favour and go back to the car," he ordered.

Fiona crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Oh for..." Rhys groaned in frustration before he ran a hand through his hair. "Fine."

He took a deep breath, the words he dreaded on the tip of his tongue when a certain voice boomed through the area, his words bouncing off the buildings.

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