The Cost

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"Laid it on a bit thick though, didn't cha?"

She froze, stepping back rapidly as Not-Rhys looked at her with a cold grin.

"But hey, if it gets you what you want then who cares?" He continued with a shrug. "Can't say I blame you babe."

"What do you mean?" Fiona asked, feigning ignorance. Her heart began to beat rapidly in her chest, as she prayed Tim and Angel has uploaded the Rhys AI.

"You know, I meant it before. I was ready to give you a way out, but no, you insisted on staying on this shithole," he declared as he elected to ignore her question. "And honestly, I could respect that."

He leaned against his desk.

"But then you just had to push your luck, didn't cha kiddo?"

Fiona didn't respond.

"I mean, kudos, you even had me believing it for a minute," he continued as he leaned against his desk.

He reached behind him and drew forward a pistol, the metal dragging against the wood as he brought it forward. He rested it in his palm for a moment before he cocked it, watching Fiona with a slow grin.

"So what, you just shoot me now?" Fiona asked with a small smirk despite the slight tremor in her voice. "That's not predictable."

"Babe, why would I shoot you?" He asked with a cock of an eyebrow. "Especially without giving you a fair opportunity..."

"Since when are you fair?" She asked in disbelief and he laughed.

"Oh babe, I'm always fair. You Pandorans just refuse to admit that..." He replied as he watched her. "I'm probably the fairest of them all."

She rolled her eyes at that statement.

"So here's my little deal for you: leave Pandora, take your sister, start fresh."

"Why do you want us off Pandora so bad?" Fiona asked sharply.

"I wouldn't question it if I were you," he replied.

"If you're giving me a deal I think I deserve to know what happens if I don't take it," Fiona responded.

"You die," he replied with a shrug.

"So you shoot me then?"

Not-Rhys rolled his eyes.

"Christ no wonder he thought he hated you for so long," he muttered. "Look, if I was you I wouldn't ask how it would happen so much as try to make sure it didn't happen..."

"Why do you seem so eager to keep us alive?" Fiona retorted. "Because if it's for Rhys' benefit..."

"You think I care what that little prick wants?" He replied sharply. "After what he did to me back on Helios? After he betrayed me like all the rest?"

He waved the gun around for a few moments as he gestured wildly.

"The only reason I haven't rammed a bullet through your skull is because I owe her!" He yelled.

"Her?" Fiona asked in confusion. "The Fiona AI?"

He opened his mouth to respond when he jerked violently, the gun slipping from his grasp as he clutched his head.

He blinked a few times as he stumbled back, the backs of his knees hitting the desk violently as he gritted his teeth.

He looked up at her, his ECHO eye flashing between gold and blue before it settled on blue for a moment.

"F-F-Fiona?" He asked softly. "W-w-what's happening?"

"Rhys?" She asked as she took a few steps forward.

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